Source code for materials_commons.api.client

from collections import OrderedDict
import requests
import time
import logging
from .models import Project, Experiment, Dataset, Entity, Activity, Workflow, User, File, GlobusUpload, \
    GlobusDownload, Server, Community, Tag, Searchable, GlobusTransfer
from .query_params import QueryParams
from .requests import *

    import http.client as http_client
except ImportError:
    # Python 2
    import httplib as http_client

    import urllib3

except ImportError:

[docs]class MCAPIError(Exception): def __init__(self, message, response): super(MCAPIError, self).__init__(message) self.response = response
def _merge_dicts(dict1, dict2): merged = dict1.copy() merged.update(dict2) return merged
[docs]class Client(object): """ The API Client instance for using the Materials Commons REST API. apikey : str The users apikey to use in API calls. base_url : str Optional, defaults to The server to make API calls to. raise_exception: bool Optional, defaults to True. Disable exceptions and instead let user explicitly check status. """ def __init__(self, apikey, base_url="", raise_exception=True): self.apikey = apikey self.base_url = base_url self.log = False self.raise_exception = raise_exception self.headers = { "Authorization": "Bearer " + self.apikey, "Accept": "application/json" } self.rate_limit = 0 self.rate_limit_remaining = 0 self.rate_limit_reset = None self.retry_after = None self.r = None self._throttle_s = 0.0
[docs] @staticmethod def get_apikey(email, password, base_url=""): """ Retrieve the API Key for the given user. :param str email: The users email address :param str password: The password for the user :param str base_url: Optional, defaults to Used to connect to a different server. :return: The users apikey :rtype: str :raises MCAPIError: """ url = base_url + "/get_apitoken" form = {"email": email, "password": password} r =, json=form, verify=False) r.raise_for_status() return r.json()["data"]["api_token"]
[docs] @staticmethod def login(email, password, base_url=""): """ Creates a new instance of the Client by retrieving the given user's APIKey. :param str email: The users email address :param str password: The password for the user :param str base_url: Optional, defaults to Used to connect to a different server. :return: The users apikey :rtype: str :raises MCAPIError: """ apikey = Client.get_apikey(email, password, base_url) return Client(apikey, base_url)
[docs] @staticmethod def set_debug_on(): """ Turns debug logging on for the API. """ http_client.HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 1 logging.basicConfig() logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) requests_log = logging.getLogger("requests.packages.urllib3") requests_log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) requests_log.propagate = True
[docs] @staticmethod def set_debug_off(): """ Turns debug logging off for the API. """ http_client.HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 0 logging.disable() requests_log = logging.getLogger("requests.packages.urllib3") requests_log.disabled = True requests_log.propagate = False
# Server
[docs] def get_server_info(self): """ Gets information about the materials commons server :return: server information :rtype: Server """ return Server(self._get("/server/info"))
# Projects
[docs] def get_all_projects(self, params=None): """ Returns a list of all the projects a user has access to. :param params: :return: List of projects :rtype: Project[] :raises MCAPIError: """ return Project.from_list(self._get("/projects", params))
[docs] def create_project(self, name, attrs=None): """ Creates a new project for the authenticated user. Project name must be unique. :param str name: Name of project :param CreateProjectRequest attrs: (optional) Additional attributes for the create request :return: The created project :rtype: Project :raises MCAPIError: On error """ if not attrs: attrs = CreateProjectRequest() form = _merge_dicts({"name": name}, attrs.to_dict()) return Project(self._post("/projects", form))
[docs] def get_project(self, project_id, params=None): """ Get a project by its id. :param int project_id: Project id for project :param params: :return: The project :rtype: Project :raises MCAPIError: """ return Project(self._get("/projects/" + str(project_id), params))
[docs] def delete_project(self, project_id): """ Deletes a project. :param int project_id: id of project to delete :raises MCAPIError: """ self._delete("/projects/" + str(project_id))
[docs] def update_project(self, project_id, attrs): """ Updates the given project. :param int project_id: Id of project to update :param UpdateProjectRequest attrs: The attributes to update on the project :return: The updated project :rtype: Project :raises MCAPIError: """ return Project(self._put("/projects/" + str(project_id), attrs.to_dict()))
[docs] def add_user_to_project(self, project_id, user_id): """ Adds user to project. :param int project_id: Id of project to add user to :param int user_id: Id of user to add to project :return: The updated project :rtype: Project :raises MCAPIError: """ return Project(self._put("/projects/" + str(project_id) + "/add-user/" + str(user_id), {}))
[docs] def remove_user_from_project(self, project_id, user_id): """ Remove user from project. :param int project_id: Id of project to add user to :param int user_id: Id of user to add to project :return: The updated project :rtype: Project :raises MCAPIError: """ return Project(self._put("/projects/" + str(project_id) + "/remove-user/" + str(user_id), {}))
[docs] def add_admin_to_project(self, project_id, user_id): """ Adds user as an admin to project. :param int project_id: Id of project to add user to :param int user_id: Id of user to add to project :return: The updated project :rtype: Project :raises MCAPIError: """ return Project(self._put("/projects/" + str(project_id) + "/add-admin/" + str(user_id), {}))
[docs] def remove_admin_from_project(self, project_id, user_id): """ Removes admin user from project. :param int project_id: Id of project to add user to :param int user_id: Id of user to remove from project :return: The updated project :rtype: Project :raises MCAPIError: """ return Project(self._put("/projects/" + str(project_id) + "/remove-admin/" + str(user_id), {}))
# Experiments
[docs] def get_all_experiments(self, project_id, params=None): """ Get all experiments for a given project. :param int project_id: The project id :param params: :return: A list of experiments :rtype: Experiment[] :raises MCAPIError: """ return Experiment.from_list(self._get("/projects/" + str(project_id) + "/experiments", params))
[docs] def get_experiment(self, experiment_id, params=None): """ Get an experiment. :param int experiment_id: The experiment id :param params: :return: The experiment :rtype: Experiment :raises MCAPIError: """ return Experiment(self._get("/experiments/" + str(experiment_id), params))
[docs] def update_experiment(self, experiment_id, attrs): """ Update attributes of an experiment. :param int experiment_id: The experiment id :param UpdateExperimentRequest attrs: Attributes to update :return: The updated experiment :rtype: Experiment :raises MCAPIError: """ form = _merge_dicts({"experiment_id": experiment_id}, attrs.to_dict()) return Experiment(self._put("/experiments/" + str(experiment_id), form))
[docs] def delete_experiment(self, project_id, experiment_id): """ Delete experiment in project. :param int project_id: The id of the project the experiment is in :param experiment_id: The experiment id :raises MCAPIError: """ self._delete("/projects/" + str(project_id) + "/experiments/" + str(experiment_id))
[docs] def create_experiment(self, project_id, name, attrs=None): """ Create a new experiment in a project. :param int project_id: The id of the project the experiment is in :param str name: Name of experiment :param CreateExperimentRequest attrs: Additional attributes on the experiment :return: The created experiment :rtype: Experiment :raises MCAPIError: """ if not attrs: attrs = CreateExperimentRequest() form = _merge_dicts({"project_id": project_id, "name": name}, attrs.to_dict()) return Experiment(self._post("/experiments", form))
[docs] def update_experiment_workflows(self, project_id, experiment_id, workflow_id): """ Toggle whether an workflow is in the experiment. :param int project_id: Id of project containing the experiment and workflow :param experiment_id: Id of experiment :param workflow_id: Id of workflow :return: The updated experiment :rtype: Experiment :raises MCAPIError: """ form = {"project_id": project_id, "workflow_id": workflow_id} return Experiment(self._put("/experiments/" + str(experiment_id) + "/workflows/selection", form))
# Directories
[docs] def get_directory(self, project_id, directory_id, params=None): """ Get a directory in the project. :param int project_id: The id of the project the directory is in :param int directory_id: The directory id :param params: :return: The directory :rtype: File :raises MCAPIError: """ return File(self._get("/projects/" + str(project_id) + "/directories/" + str(directory_id), params))
[docs] def list_directory(self, project_id, directory_id, params=None): """ Return a list of all the files and directories in a given directory. :param int project_id: The id of the project the directory is in :param int directory_id: The directory id :param params: :return: A list of the files and directories in the given directory :rtype: File[] :raises MCAPIError: """ return File.from_list( self._get("/projects/" + str(project_id) + "/directories/" + str(directory_id) + "/list", params))
[docs] def list_directory_by_path(self, project_id, path, params=None): """ Return a list of all the files and directories at given path. :param int project_id: The id of the project the path is in :param str path: :param params: :return: A list of the files and directories in the given path :rtype: File[] :raises MCAPIError: """ path_param = {"path": path.replace('\\', '/')} return File.from_list(self._get("/projects/" + str(project_id) + "/directories_by_path", params, path_param))
[docs] def create_directory(self, project_id, name, parent_id, attrs=None): """ Create a new directory in project in the given directory. :param int project_id: The id of the project the directory will be created in :param str name: Name of directory :param int parent_id: Parent directory id - The directory that this directory will be in :param CreateDirectoryRequest attrs: Additional attributes on the directory :return: The created directory :rtype: File :raises MCAPIError: """ if not attrs: attrs = CreateDirectoryRequest() form = {"name": name, "directory_id": parent_id, "project_id": project_id} form = _merge_dicts(form, attrs.to_dict()) return File(self._post("/directories", form))
[docs] def move_directory(self, project_id, directory_id, to_directory_id): """ Moves a directory into another directory. :param int project_id: The project id that target and destination directories are in :param int directory_id: Id of directory to move :param int to_directory_id: Id of the destination directory :return: The directory that was moved :rtype: File :raises MCAPIError: """ form = {"to_directory_id": to_directory_id, "project_id": project_id} return File(self._post("/directories/" + str(directory_id) + "/move", form))
[docs] def rename_directory(self, project_id, directory_id, name): """ Rename a given directory. :param int project_id: The project id that the directory is in :param int directory_id: The id of the directory being renamed :param name: The new name of the directory :return: The directory that was renamed :rtype: File :raises MCAPIError: """ form = {"name": name, "project_id": project_id} return File(self._post("/directories/" + str(directory_id) + "/rename", form))
[docs] def delete_directory(self, project_id, directory_id): """ Should not be used yet: Delete a directory only if the directory is empty. :param int project_id: The project id containing the directory to delete :param int directory_id: The id of the directory to delete :raises MCAPIError: """ self._delete("/projects/" + str(project_id) + "/directories/" + str(directory_id))
[docs] def update_directory(self, project_id, directory_id, attrs): """ Update attributes on a directory. :param int project_id: The project id containing the directory :param int directory_id: The id of the directory to update :param attrs: Attributes to update :return: The updated directory :rtype: File :raises MCAPIError: """ form = _merge_dicts({"project_id": project_id}, attrs.to_dict()) return File(self._put("/directories/" + str(directory_id), form))
# Files
[docs] def get_file(self, project_id, file_id, params=None): """ Get file in project. :param int project_id: The id of the project containing the file :param int file_id: The id of the file :param params: :return: The file :rtype: File :raises MCAPIError: """ return File(self._get("/projects/" + str(project_id) + "/files/" + str(file_id), params))
[docs] def get_file_versions(self, project_id, file_id, params=None): """ Get versions for file in project (does not include file given). :param int project_id: The id of the project containing the file :param int file_id: The id of the file :param params: :return: File versions :rtype: File[] :raises MCAPIError: """ return File.from_list( self._get("/projects/" + str(project_id) + "/files/" + str(file_id) + "/versions", params))
[docs] def set_as_active_file(self, project_id, file_id): """ Set file as active version, changing current active file version to inactive. :param int project_id: The id of the project containing the file :param int file_id: The id of the file :return: File :rtype: File :raises MCAPIError: """ return File(self._put("/projects/" + str(project_id) + "/files/" + str(file_id) + "/make_active", {}))
[docs] def get_file_by_path(self, project_id, file_path): """ Get file by path in project. :param int project_id: The id of the project containing the file :param file_path: The path to the file :return: The file :rtype: File :raises MCAPIError: """ form = {"path": file_path.replace('\\', '/'), "project_id": project_id} return File(self._post("/files/by_path", form))
[docs] def update_file(self, project_id, file_id, attrs): """ Update attributes of a file. :param project_id: :param file_id: :param UpdateFileRequest attrs: Attributes to update :return: The updated file :rtype: File :raises MCAPIError: """ form = _merge_dicts({"project_id", project_id}, attrs.to_dict()) return File(self._put("/files/" + str(file_id), form))
[docs] def delete_file(self, project_id, file_id, force=False): """ Delete a file in a project. :param int project_id: The id of the project containing the file :param int file_id: The id of the file to delete :raises MCAPIError: """ params = None if force: params = {"force": True} self._delete("/projects/" + str(project_id) + "/files/" + str(file_id), params=params)
[docs] def move_file(self, project_id, file_id, to_directory_id): """ Move file into a different directory. :param int project_id: The project id of the file and the destination directory :param int file_id: The id of the file to move :param int to_directory_id: The id of the destination directory :return: The moved file :rtype: File :raises MCAPIError: """ form = {"directory_id": to_directory_id, "project_id": project_id} return File(self._post("/files/" + str(file_id) + "/move", form))
[docs] def rename_file(self, project_id, file_id, name): """ Rename a file. :param int project_id: The project id of the file to rename :param int file_id: The id of the file to rename :param str name: The files new name :return: The rename file :rtype: File :raises MCAPIError: """ form = {"name": name, "project_id": project_id} return File(self._post("/files/" + str(file_id) + "/rename", form))
[docs] def download_file(self, project_id, file_id, to): """ Download a file. :param int project_id: The project id containing the file to download :param int file_id: The id of the file to download :param str to: path including file name to download file to :raises MCAPIError: """ self._download("/projects/" + str(project_id) + "/files/" + str(file_id) + "/download", to)
[docs] def download_file_by_path(self, project_id, path, to): """ Download a file by path. :param int project_id: The project id containing the file to download :param str path: The path in the project of the file :param str to: path including file name to download file to :raises MCAPIError: """ file = self.get_file_by_path(project_id, path.replace('\\', '/')) self.download_file(project_id,, to)
[docs] def upload_file(self, project_id, directory_id, file_path): """ Uploads a file to a project. :param int project_id: The project to upload file to :param int directory_id: The directory in the project to upload the file into :param str file_path: path of file to upload :return: The created file :rtype: File :raises MCAPIError: """ files = File.from_list( self._upload("/projects/" + str(project_id) + "/files/" + str(directory_id) + "/upload", file_path)) return files[0]
[docs] def upload_bytes(self, project_id, directory_id, name, f): files = File.from_list( self._upload_raw("/projects/" + str(project_id) + "/files/" + str(directory_id) + "/upload/" + str(name), f)) return files[0]
# Entities
[docs] def get_all_entities(self, project_id, params=None): """ Get all entities in a project. :param int project_id: The id of the project :param params: :return: The list of entities :rtype: Entity[] :raises MCAPIError: """ return Entity.from_list(self._get("/projects/" + str(project_id) + "/entities", params))
[docs] def get_entity(self, project_id, entity_id, params=None): """ Get an entity. :param int project_id: The id of the project containing the entity :param int entity_id: The id of the entity :param params: :return: The entity :rtype: Entity :raises MCAPIError: """ return Entity(self._get("/projects/" + str(project_id) + "/entities/" + str(entity_id), params))
[docs] def create_entity(self, project_id, name, activity_id, request=None, attrs=None): """ Creates a new entity in the project. :param project_id: The id of the project to create entity in :param str name: The entity name :param activity_id: The activity to associated the samples as initially coming from :param CreateEntityRequest request: Attributes of the entity :param attrs: Array of dicts of the form {"name": "name-of-attr", "unit": "optional-unit", "value": dict | bool | int | float | str} :return: The created entity :rtype: Entity :raises MCAPIError: """ if not request: request = CreateEntityRequest() if not attrs: attrs = [] form = _merge_dicts({ "name": name, "project_id": project_id, "attributes": attrs, "activity_id": activity_id, }, request.to_dict()) return Entity(self._post("/entities", form))
[docs] def delete_entity(self, project_id, entity_id): """ Delete an entity. :param int project_id: The id of the project containing the entity :param int entity_id: The entity id :raises MCAPIError: """ self._delete("/projects/" + str(project_id) + "/entities/" + str(entity_id))
[docs] def create_entity_state(self, project_id, entity_id, activity_id, current=True, attrs=None): """ Adds a new state to an existing entity. :param int project_id: The id of the project containing the entity :param int entity_id: The id of the entity to associate the state with :param in activity_id: The id of the activity that created the state :param bool current: Whether to mark the state as the current state :param attrs: Array of dicts of the form {"name": "name-of-attr", "unit": "optional-unit", "value": dict | bool | int | float | str} :return: Entity :raises MCAPIError: """ if not attrs: attrs = [] form = {"current": current, "attributes": attrs} return Entity(self._post("/projects/" + str(project_id) + "/entities/" + str(entity_id) + "/activities/" + str( activity_id) + "/create-entity-state", form))
# Activities
[docs] def get_all_activities(self, project_id, params=None): """ Get all activities in a project. :param int project_id: The id of the project :param params: :return: List of activities :rtype: Activity[] :raises MCAPIError: """ return Activity.from_list(self._get("/projects/" + str(project_id) + "/activities", params))
[docs] def get_activity(self, project_id, activity_id, params=None): """ Get an activity. :param int project_id: The id of the project containing the activity :param int activity_id: The id of the activity :param params: :return: The activity :rtype: Activity :raises MCAPIError: """ return Activity(self._get("/projects/" + str(project_id) + "/activities/" + str(activity_id), params))
[docs] def create_activity(self, project_id, name, request=None, attrs=None): """ Create a new activity in the project. :param project_id: The project to create the activity int :param str name: Name of activity :param CreateActivityRequest request: Attributes on the activity :param attrs: Array of dicts of the form {"name": "name-of-attr", "unit": "optional-unit", "value": dict | bool | int | float | str} :return: The activity to create :rtype: Activity :raises MCAPIError: """ if not request: request = CreateActivityRequest() if not attrs: attrs = [] form = _merge_dicts({"project_id": project_id, "name": name, "attributes": attrs}, request.to_dict()) return Activity(self._post("/activities", form))
[docs] def delete_activity(self, project_id, activity_id): """ Deletes an activity. :param project_id: The id of the project containing the activity :param activity_id: The id of the activity to delete :raises MCAPIError: """ self._delete("/projects/" + str(project_id) + "/activities/" + str(activity_id))
# Datasets
[docs] def get_all_datasets(self, project_id, params=None): """ Get all datasets in a project. :param int project_id: The project id :param params: :return: The list of datasets :rtype: Dataset[] :raises MCAPIError: """ return Dataset.from_list(self._get("/projects/" + str(project_id) + "/datasets", params))
[docs] def get_all_published_datasets(self, params=None): """ Get all published datasets. :param params: :return: The list of published datasets :rtype: Dataset[] :raises MCAPIError: """ return Dataset.from_list(self._get("/published/datasets", params))
[docs] def get_published_dataset(self, dataset_id, params=None): """ Get published dataset. :param int dataset_id: The dataset id :param params: :return: The dataset :rtype: Dataset :raises MCAPIError: """ return Dataset(self._get("/published/datasets/" + str(dataset_id), params))
[docs] def get_published_dataset_files(self, dataset_id, params=None): """ Get files for a published dataset. :param int dataset_id: The dataset id :param params: :rtype: File[] :return: The files :raises MCAPIError: """ return File.from_list( self._get("/published/datasets/" + str(dataset_id) + "/files", params))
[docs] def get_published_dataset_directory(self, dataset_id, directory_id, params=None): """ Get a directory in a published dataset. :param int dataset_id: The id of the published dataset the directory is in :param int directory_id: The directory id :param params: :return: The directory :rtype: File :raises MCAPIError: """ return File(self._get("/published/datasets/" + str(dataset_id) + "/directories/" + str(directory_id), params))
[docs] def list_published_dataset_directory(self, dataset_id, directory_id, params=None): """ Return a list of all the files and directories in a given published dataset directory. :param int dataset_id: The id of the dataset the directory is in :param int directory_id: The directory id :param params: :return: A list of the files and directories in the given directory :rtype: File[] :raises MCAPIError: """ return File.from_list( self._get("/published/datasets/" + str(dataset_id) + "/directories/" + str(directory_id) + "/list", params))
[docs] def list_published_dataset_directory_by_path(self, dataset_id, path, params=None): """ Return a list of all the files and directories at given path. :param int dataset_id: The id of the dataset the path is in :param str path: :param params: :return: A list of the files and directories in the given path :rtype: File[] :raises MCAPIError: """ path_param = {"path": path.replace('\\', '/')} return File.from_list( self._get("/published/datasets/" + str(dataset_id) + "/directories_by_path", params, path_param))
[docs] def get_published_dataset_entities(self, dataset_id, params=None): """ Get entities for a published dataset. :param int dataset_id: The dataset id :param params: :rtype: Entity[] :return: The entities :raises MCAPIError: """ return Entity.from_list( self._get("/published/datasets/" + str(dataset_id) + "/entities", params))
[docs] def get_published_dataset_activities(self, dataset_id, params=None): """ Get activities for a published dataset. :param int dataset_id: The dataset id :param params: :rtype: Activity[] :return: The activities :raises MCAPIError: """ return Activity.from_list( self._get("/published/datasets/" + str(dataset_id) + "/activities", params))
[docs] def search_published_data(self, search_str): """ Search published datasets for matching string. :param str search_str: string to search on :return: List of matches :rtype: Searchable[] :raises MCAPIError: """ form = {"search": search_str} return Searchable.from_list(self._post("/published/data/search", form))
[docs] def import_dataset(self, dataset_id, project_id, directory_name): """ Launches a job to import a dataset into a project. The import will complete at some. point in the future. There isn't currently a way to query the import status. :param int dataset_id: The dataset id to import :param int project_id: A project id the user has access to :param string directory_name: The top level directory to import the dataset into (will be created) :raises MCAPIError: """ form = {"directory": directory_name} self._post("/projects/" + str(project_id) + "/datasets/" + str(dataset_id) + "/import", form)
[docs] def get_dataset(self, project_id, dataset_id, params=None): """ Get dataset in a project. :param int project_id: The project id containing the dataset :param int dataset_id: The dataset id :param params: :return: The dataset :rtype: Dataset :raises MCAPIError: """ return Dataset(self._get("/projects/" + str(project_id) + "/datasets/" + str(dataset_id), params))
[docs] def get_dataset_files(self, project_id, dataset_id, params=None): """ Get files for a dataset. :param int project_id: The project id containing the dataset :param int dataset_id: The dataset id :param params: :rtype: File[] :return: The files :raises MCAPIError: """ return File.from_list( self._get("/projects/" + str(project_id) + "/datasets/" + str(dataset_id) + "/files", params))
[docs] def get_dataset_entities(self, project_id, dataset_id, params=None): """ Get entities for a dataset. :param int project_id: The project id containing the dataset :param int dataset_id: The dataset id :param params: :rtype: Entity[] :return: The entities :raises MCAPIError: """ return Entity.from_list( self._get("/projects/" + str(project_id) + "/datasets/" + str(dataset_id) + "/entities", params))
[docs] def get_dataset_activities(self, project_id, dataset_id, params=None): """ Get activities for a dataset. :param int project_id: The project id containing the dataset :param int dataset_id: The dataset id :param params: :rtype: Activity[] :return: The activities :raises MCAPIError: """ return Activity.from_list( self._get("/projects/" + str(project_id) + "/datasets/" + str(dataset_id) + "/activities", params))
[docs] def delete_dataset(self, project_id, dataset_id): """ Delete an unpublished dataset. :param int project_id: The project id containing the dataset :param int dataset_id: The id of the dataset :raises MCAPIError: """ self._delete("/projects/" + str(project_id) + "/datasets/" + str(dataset_id))
[docs] def update_dataset_file_selection(self, project_id, dataset_id, file_selection): """ Update the file selection for a dataset. :param int project_id: Project id containing dataset :param int dataset_id: Id of dataset :param file_selection: { "include_file": str, "remove_include_file": str, "exclude_file": str, "remove_exclude_file": str, "include_dir": str, "remove_include_dir": str, "exclude_dir": str, "remove_exclude_dir": str} :return: The updated dataset :rtype: Dataset :raises MCAPIError: """ form = {"project_id": project_id} form = _merge_dicts(form, file_selection) return Dataset(self._put("/datasets/" + str(dataset_id) + "/selection", form))
[docs] def change_dataset_file_selection(self, project_id, dataset_id, file_selection): """ Change the file selection for a dataset to match the passed in dataset. :param int project_id: Project id containing dataset :param int dataset_id: Id of dataset :param file_selection: { "include_files": array, "exclude_files": array, "include_dirs": array, "exclude_dirs": array} :return: The updated dataset :rtype: Dataset :raises MCAPIError: :return: The updated Dataset """ return Dataset( self._put("/projects/" + str(project_id) + "/datasets/" + str(dataset_id) + "/change_file_selection", file_selection))
[docs] def update_dataset_activities(self, project_id, dataset_id, activity_id): """ Toggle whether an activity is in a dataset. :param int project_id: Project id containing dataset and activity :param int dataset_id: Id of dataset :param int activity_id: Id of activity :return: The updated dataset :rtype: Dataset :raises MCAPIError: """ form = {"project_id": project_id, "activity_id": activity_id} return Dataset(self._put("/datasets/" + str(dataset_id) + "/activities/selection", form))
[docs] def update_dataset_entities(self, project_id, dataset_id, entity_id): """ Toggle whether an entity is in a dataset. :param int project_id: Project id containing dataset and entity :param int dataset_id: Id of dataset :param int entity_id: Id of entity :return: The updated dataset :rtype: Dataset :raises MCAPIError: """ form = {"project_id": project_id, "entity_id": entity_id} return Dataset(self._put("/datasets/" + str(dataset_id) + "/entities", form))
[docs] def update_dataset_workflows(self, project_id, dataset_id, workflow_id): """ Toggle whether an workflow is in a dataset. :param int project_id: Project id containing dataset and workflow :param int dataset_id: Id of dataset :param int workflow_id: Id of workflow :return: The updated dataset :rtype: Dataset :raises MCAPIError: """ form = {"project_id": project_id, "workflow_id": workflow_id} return Dataset(self._put("/datasets/" + str(dataset_id) + "/workflows", form))
[docs] def publish_dataset(self, project_id, dataset_id): """ Publish a dataset. :param int project_id: The id of the project containing the dataset :param int dataset_id: The dataset id :return: The dataset :rtype: Dataset :raises MCAPIError: """ form = {"project_id": project_id} return Dataset(self._put("/datasets/" + str(dataset_id) + "/publish", form))
[docs] def unpublish_dataset(self, project_id, dataset_id): """ Unpublish an published dataset. :param int project_id: The id of the project containing the dataset :param int dataset_id: The dataset id :return: The dataset :rtype: Dataset :raises MCAPIError: """ form = {"project_id": project_id} return Dataset(self._put("/datasets/" + str(dataset_id) + "/unpublish", form))
[docs] def create_dataset(self, project_id, name, attrs=None): """ Create a new dataset in a project. :param int project_id: The project to create the dataset in :param string name: The name of the dataset :param CreateDatasetRequest attrs: Attributes of the dataset :return: The created dataset :rtype: Dataset :raises MCAPIError: """ if not attrs: attrs = CreateDatasetRequest() form = _merge_dicts({"name": name}, attrs.to_dict()) return Dataset(self._post("/projects/" + str(project_id) + "/datasets", form))
[docs] def update_dataset(self, project_id, dataset_id, name, attrs=None): """ Update an existing dataset. :param int project_id: The project to create the dataset in :param int dataset_id: The id of the dataset :param str name: The name of the dataset (doesn't need to be different) :param UpdateDatasetRequest attrs: The attributes to update :return: The updated dataset :rtype: Dataset :raises MCAPIError: """ if not attrs: attrs = UpdateDatasetRequest() form = _merge_dicts({"name": name}, attrs.to_dict()) return Dataset(self._put("/projects/" + str(project_id) + "/datasets/" + str(dataset_id), form))
[docs] def assign_doi_to_dataset(self, project_id, dataset_id): """ Assign DOI to existing dataset. :param int project_id: The project to create the dataset in :param int dataset_id: The id of the dataset :return: The updated dataset with DOI :rtype: Dataset :raises MCAPIError: """ return Dataset(self._put("/projects/" + str(project_id) + "/datasets/" + str(dataset_id) + "/assign_doi", {}))
[docs] def download_published_dataset_zipfile(self, dataset_id, to): """ Download the zipfile for a published dataset. :param int dataset_id: The id of the published dataset :param str to: The path including the file name to write the download to :raises MCAPIError: """ self._download("/published/datasets/" + str(dataset_id) + "/download_zipfile", to)
[docs] def download_published_dataset_file(self, dataset_id, file_id, to): """ Download file from a published dataset. :param int dataset_id: The id of the published dataset :param int file_id: The id of the file in the dataset :param str to: The path including the file name to write the download to :raises MCAPIError: """ self._download("/published/datasets/" + str(dataset_id) + "/files/" + str(file_id) + "/download", to)
[docs] def check_file_in_dataset(self, project_id, dataset_id, file_id): """ Check if file is in the dataset selection. :param int project_id: project dataset and file are in :param int dataset_id: dataset to check file_selection against :param int file_id: file to check :return: {'in_dataset': True} or {'in_dataset': False} :raises MCAPIError: """ return self._get("/projects/" + str(project_id) + "/datasets/" + str(dataset_id) + "/files/" + str( file_id) + "/check_selection")
[docs] def check_file_by_path_in_dataset(self, project_id, dataset_id, file_path): """ Check if file path is in the dataset selection. Throws an error if the file_path isn't in the project. :param int project_id: project dataset and file_path are in :param int dataset_id: data to check file_selection against :param str file_path: file_path to check against dataset file_selection :return: {'in_dataset': True} or {'in_dataset': False} :raises MCAPIError: """ form = {"file_path": file_path.replace('\\', '/')} return self._post("/projects/" + str(project_id) + "/datasets/" + str(dataset_id) + "/check_select_by_path", form)
# Globus
[docs] def create_globus_upload_request(self, project_id, name): """ Create a new globus request in the given project. :param int project_id: The project id for the upload :param name: The name of the request :return: The globus request :rtype: GlobusUpload :raises MCAPIError: """ form = {"project_id": project_id, "name": name} return GlobusUpload(self._post("/globus/uploads", form))
[docs] def delete_globus_upload_request(self, project_id, globus_upload_id): """ Delete an existing globus upload request. :param int project_id: :param int globus_upload_id: :raises MCAPIError: """ self._delete("/projects/" + str(project_id) + "/globus/" + str(globus_upload_id) + "/uploads")
[docs] def finish_globus_upload_request(self, project_id, globus_upload_id): """ Mark a globus upload request as finished. :param int project_id: The project id for the upload :param int globus_upload_id: The id of the globus upload :return: The globus upload :rtype: GlobusUpload :raises MCAPIError: """ form = {"project_id": project_id} return GlobusUpload(self._put("/globus/" + str(globus_upload_id) + "/uploads/complete", form))
[docs] def get_all_globus_upload_requests(self, project_id, params=None): """ Get all globus uploads in a project. :param int project_id: The project id :return: List of globus uploads :rtype: GlobusUpload[] :raises MCAPIError: """ return GlobusUpload.from_list(self._get("/projects/" + str(project_id) + "/globus/uploads", params))
[docs] def create_globus_download_request(self, project_id, name): """ Create a globus download request for a project. :param int project_id: :param str name: The name of the download request :return: The globus download :rtype: GlobusDownload :raises MCAPIError: """ form = {"project_id": project_id, "name": name} return GlobusDownload(self._post("/globus/downloads", form))
[docs] def delete_globus_download_request(self, project_id, globus_download_id): """ Delete an existing globus download request. :param int project_id: The id of the project containing the download request :param int globus_download_id: The id of the globus download to delete :raises MCAPIError: """ self._delete("/projects/" + str(project_id) + "/globus/" + str(globus_download_id) + "/downloads")
[docs] def get_all_globus_download_requests(self, project_id, params=None): """ Get all globus download requests for a project. :param int project_id: The project :return: List of all globus downloads :rtype: GlobusDownload[] :raises MCAPIError: """ return GlobusDownload.from_list(self._get("/projects/" + str(project_id) + "/globus/downloads", params))
[docs] def get_globus_download_request(self, project_id, globus_download_id, params=None): """ Get a globus download. :param int project_id: The id of the project containing the globus download :param int globus_download_id: The globus download id :return: The globus download :rtype: GlobusDownload :raises MCAPIError: """ return GlobusDownload( self._get("/projects/" + str(project_id) + "/globus/downloads/" + str(globus_download_id), params))
[docs] def open_globus_transfer(self, project_id, params=None): """ Open a globus transfer request for current user in project. If one is already active then it returns the already active request. :param int project_id: The id of the project associated with this globus transfer :return: The globus transfer :rtype: GlobusTransfer :raises MCAPIError: """ return GlobusTransfer(self._get("/projects/" + str(project_id) + "/globus/open", params))
[docs] def close_globus_transfer(self, project_id): """ Closes an existing globus transfer. If there isn't an open transfer for the user in project then does nothing and returns success. :param int project_id: The id of the project to close globus transfer for the current user :return: None :raises MCAPIError: """ self._get_no_value("/projects/" + str(project_id) + "/globus/close")
# Users
[docs] def get_user_by_email(self, email, params=None): """ Get a user by their email. :param string email: email address of user to lookup :return: The user :rtype: User :raises MCAPIError: """ return User(self._get("/users/by-email/" + email, params))
[docs] def list_users(self, params=None): """ List users of Materials Commons. :return: List of users :rtype: User[] :raises MCAPIError: """ return User.from_list(self._get("/users", params))
# Communities
[docs] def create_community(self, name, attrs={}): """ Creates a new community owned by the user. :param str name: Name of community :param CreateCommunityRequest attrs: (optional) Additional attributes for the create request :return: The created community :rtype: Community :raises MCAPIError: """ if not attrs: attrs = CreateCommunityRequest() form = _merge_dicts({"name": name}, attrs.to_dict()) return Community(self._post("/communities", form))
[docs] def get_all_public_communities(self, params=None): """ Get all public communities. :rtype: Community[] :return: List of public communities :raises MCAPIError: """ return Community.from_list(self._get('/communities/public', params))
[docs] def get_all_my_communities(self, params=None): """ Get all communities owned by user. :rtype: Community[] :return: List of communities :raises MCAPIError: """ return Community.from_list(self._get('/communities', params))
[docs] def get_community(self, community_id, params=None): """ Get a commmunity. :param int community_id: The id of the community to get :param params: Query specific parameters :rtype: Community :return: The Community :raises MCAPIError: """ return Community(self._get("/communities/" + str(community_id), params))
[docs] def add_dataset_to_community(self, dataset_id, community_id): """ Add a dataset to a community. The dataset must have been published. :param int dataset_id: :param int community_id: :rtype: Community :return: The community with the dataset :raises MCAPIError: """ return Community(self._post("/communities/" + str(community_id) + "/datasets/" + str(dataset_id) + "/add"))
[docs] def remove_dataset_from_community(self, dataset_id, community_id): """ Remove a dataset from a community. :param int dataset_id: :param int community_id: :raises MCAPIError: """ self._delete("/communities/" + str(community_id) + "/datasets/" + str(dataset_id))
[docs] def upload_file_to_community(self, file_path, community_id): """ TODO: A file has other attributes such as description and summary Uploads a file to a community. :param str file_path: path of file to upload :param int community_id: The community to upload the file to :return: The community :rtype: Community :raises MCAPIError: """ return Community(self._upload("/communities/" + str(community_id) + "/upload", file_path))
[docs] def delete_file_from_community(self, file_id, community_id): """ Deletes file from the community and deletes the file on the system. :param int file_id: The file to delete :param int community_id: The community to delete it from :raises MCAPIError: """ self._delete("/communities/" + str(community_id) + "/files/" + str(file_id))
[docs] def list_tags_in_community(self, community_id): """ List all the unique tags across all the published datasets in a community. :param int community_id: The community to list the tags for :return: The list of tags :rtype: Tag[] :raises MCAPIError: """ return self._get("/communities/" + str(community_id) + "/tags")
[docs] def get_published_datasets_for_author(self, author): """ Get all published datasets for an author. :param str author: Author name string :return: List of datasets author is on :rtype: Dataset[] :raises MCAPIError: """ form = {"author": author} return Dataset.from_list(self._post("/published/authors/search", form))
[docs] def get_published_datasets_for_tag(self, tag): """ Get all published datasets tagged with tag. :param str tag: tag to use :return: List of datasets tagged with tag :rtype: Dataset[] :raises MCAPIError: """ form = {"tag": tag} return Dataset.from_list(self._post("/published/tags/search", form))
[docs] def list_authors_in_community(self, community_id): """ List all unique authors across all the published datasets in a community. :param int community_id: The community to list the authors for :return: The list of authors :rtype: string[] :raises MCAPIError: """ return self._get("/communities/" + str(community_id) + "/authors")
# Tags
[docs] def list_tags_for_published_datasets(self): """ List all tags used in published datasets. :return: List of tags :rtype: Tag[] :raises MCAPIError: """ return Tag.from_list(self._get("/published/tags"))
# Authors
[docs] def list_published_authors(self): """ List all published authors. :return: List of authors :rtype: User[] :raises MCAPIError: """ return self._get("/published/authors")
[docs] def mql_load_project(self, project_id): self._post("/queries/" + str(project_id) + "/load-project", {})
[docs] def mql_reload_project(self, project_id): self._post("/queries/" + str(project_id) + "/load-project", {})
[docs] def mql_execute_query(self, project_id, statement, select_processes=True, select_samples=True): self.mql_load_project(project_id) form = { "statement": statement, "select_processes": select_processes, "select_samples": select_samples } return self._post("/queries/" + str(project_id) + "/execute-query", form)
# Internal def _throttle(self): if self._throttle_s < 0: self._throttle_s = 0.0 if self._throttle_s: time.sleep(self._throttle_s) # request calls def _download(self, urlpart, to): self._throttle() url = self.base_url + urlpart with requests.get(url, stream=True, verify=False, headers=self.headers) as r: self._handle(r) with open(to, 'wb') as f: for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=8192): if chunk: f.write(chunk) def _upload(self, urlpart, file_path): self._throttle() url = self.base_url + urlpart with open(file_path, 'rb') as f: files = [('files[]', f)] r =, verify=False, headers=self.headers, files=files) return self._handle_with_json(r) def _upload_raw(self, urlpart, f): self._throttle() url = self.base_url + urlpart files = [('files[]', f)] r =, verify=False, headers=self.headers, files=files) return self._handle_with_json(r) def _get(self, urlpart, params={}, other_params={}): self._throttle() url = self.base_url + urlpart if self.log: print("GET:", url) params_to_use = _merge_dicts(QueryParams.to_query_args(params), other_params) r = requests.get(url, params=params_to_use, verify=False, headers=self.headers) return self._handle_with_json(r) def _get_no_value(self, urlpart): self._throttle() url = self.base_url + urlpart if self.log: print("GET:", url) r = requests.get(url, verify=False, headers=self.headers) return self._handle(r) def _post(self, urlpart, data): self._throttle() url = self.base_url + urlpart if self.log: print("POST:", url) data = OrderedDict(data) r =, json=data, verify=False, headers=self.headers) return self._handle_with_json(r) def _put(self, urlpart, data): self._throttle() url = self.base_url + urlpart if self.log: print("PUT:", url) data = OrderedDict(data) r = requests.put(url, json=data, verify=False, headers=self.headers) return self._handle_with_json(r) def _delete(self, urlpart, params=None): self._throttle() url = self.base_url + urlpart if self.log: print("DELETE:", url) r = requests.delete(url, verify=False, params=params, headers=self.headers) self._handle(r) def _delete_with_value(self, urlpart): self._throttle() url = self.base_url + urlpart if self.log: print("DELETE:", url) r = requests.delete(url, verify=False, headers=self.headers) return self._handle_with_json(r) def _handle(self, r): # try: # import json # print("-----------------------------") # print(json.dumps(r.json(), indent=2)) # print("-----------------------------") # except: # print("no json") self.r = r self._update_rate_limits_from_request(r) try: r.raise_for_status() return True except requests.HTTPError as e: if not self.raise_exception: return False raise MCAPIError(str(e), e.response) def _handle_with_json(self, r): if not self._handle(r): return None if r.headers.get('content-type') == 'application/json': result = r.json() if "data" in result: return result["data"] else: return result return None def _update_rate_limits_from_request(self, r): self.rate_limit = int(r.headers.get('x-ratelimit-limit', self.rate_limit)) self.rate_limit_remaining = int(r.headers.get('x-ratelimit-remaining', self.rate_limit_remaining)) self.rate_limit_reset = r.headers.get('x-ratelimit-reset', None) self.retry_after = r.headers.get('retry-after', None) if self.rate_limit_remaining < 10: self._throttle_s = 60. / (self.rate_limit_remaining - 1.) else: self._throttle_s = 0.0