.. manual/projects.rst Projects ========= A project in Materials Commons is place to store data, such as files and other meta data. It is also the means to control access to your data. You can have an unlimited number of projects. Each project can have a different list of people who have access to it. The Materials Commons API provides multiple ways to interact with projects. Below are some examples: :: # First create a client instance import materials_commons.api as mcapi import os c = mcapi.Client(os.getenv("MC_API_TOKEN")) # Get a list of all your projects projects = c.get_all_projects() # Get a particular project by its id project = c.get_project(3) # Create a project with a description project = c.create_project("project-name", mcapi.CreateProjectRequest(description="project description")) # Create a project without a description project = c.create_project("project-name") # Pretty print the created projects attributes project.pretty_print() # Add user to project user = c.get_user_by_email("example-user@example.com") project = c.add_user_to_project(project.id, user.id) # Delete the project c.delete_project(project.id)