materials_commons.cli.subcommands.down module

materials_commons.cli.subcommands.down.down_subcommand(argv, working_dir)[source]

download files from Materials Commons

mc down [-r] [<pathspec> …]

materials_commons.cli.subcommands.down.download_file_as_string(client, project_id, file_id)[source]

Make argparse.ArgumentParser for mc down

materials_commons.cli.subcommands.down.print_file(proj, path, working_dir)[source]

Print a remote file, without writing it locally

proj: mcapi.Project, Project to get file from

path: str, Materials Commons style path of file to print

working_dir (str): Current working directory, used for finding relative

paths and printing messages.

materials_commons.cli.subcommands.down.standard_download(proj, path, working_dir, force=False, output=None, recursive=False, no_compare=False, localtree=None, remotetree=None)[source]

Download files and directories

proj: mcapi.Project, Project to download from

path: str, Materials Commons style path of file or directory to download

working_dir (str): Current working directory, used for finding relative

paths and printing messages.

force: bool (optional, default=False) If True, force overwrite existing files without confirmation.

output: str (optional, default=None)

Specify a different download location. By default, files are downloaded to the matching location in the local project directory. For example remote file at “/A/B/file.txt” is downloaded to “<proj.local_path>/A/B/file.txt” by default.

recursive: bool (optional, default=False) Download directory contents recursively.

no_compare: bool (optional, default=False)

By default, this function checks local and remote file checksum to avoid downloading files that already exist. If no_compare is True, this check is skipped and all specified files are downloaded, even if an equivalent file already exists locally.

localtree: LocalTree object (optional, default=None)

A LocalTree object stores local file checksums to avoid unnecessary hashing. Will be used and updated if provided and checksum == True.

remotetree: RemoteTree object (optional, default=None)

A RemoteTree object stores remote file and directory information to minimize API calls and data transfer. Will be used and updated if provided.

success: bool, True if download succeeds, False otherwise