import os
import sys
import argparse
import contextlib
import json
import re
import materials_commons.cli.functions as clifuncs
from materials_commons.cli.exceptions import MCCLIException
def output_method(file=None, force=False):
if file is None:
out = sys.stdout
elif os.path.exists(file) and not force:
msg = "The file '" + file + "' exists and --force option not given."
raise MCCLIException(msg)
out = open(file, 'w')
yield out
if out is not sys.stdout:
[docs]class ListObjects(object):
Base class to create ``mc X`` CLI program commands that list objects of type X.
Expected derived class members:
|list_data(self, args, obj) |required |
|print_details(self, obj, args, out=sys.stdout) |required |
|get_all_from_experiment(self, expt) |required if self.expt_member==True |
|get_all_from_dataset(self, dataset) |required if self.dataset_member==True |
|get_all_from_project(self, proj) |required if self.proj_member==True |
|get_all(self) |required if self.non_proj_member==True |
Optional derived class members:
|create(self, args) |implement if type is createable |
|delete(self, objects, dry_run, out=sys.stdout) |implemented if type is deleteable|
|add_create_options(self, parser) |called if exists in derived class|
|add_custom_options(self, parser) |called if exists in derived class|
Custom derived class actions (derived class member functions) should have the form:
|<name>(self, args, out=sys.stdout) |
Custom derived class "selection" actions (derived class member functions that act on a selection of objects) should have the form:
|<name>(self, objects, args, out=sys.stdout) |
See :class:`materials_commons.cli.subcommands.proj.ProjSubcommand` for an example.
def __init__(self, cmdname, typename, typename_plural, desc=None, requires_project=True,
non_proj_member=False, proj_member=True, expt_member=True, dataset_member=False,
remote_help='Select remote',
list_columns=None, headers=None,
deletable=False, dry_runable=False, has_owner=True, creatable=False,
custom_actions=[], custom_selection_actions=[], request_confirmation_actions={}):
cmdname: List[str]
Names to use for 'mc X Y ...', for instance: ["casm", "prim"] for "mc casm prim"
typename: str
With capitalization, for instance: "Process"
typename_plural: str
With capitalization, for instance: "Processes"
desc: str
Used for help command description
requires_project: bool
If True and not in current project, raise MCCLIException
non_proj_member: bool
Enable get_all_from_remote. If non_proj_member and proj_member, enable --all
option to query all projects.
proj_member: bool
Enable get_all_from_project. Restrict queries to current project by default
expt_member: bool
Enable get_all_from_experiment. Include --expt option to restrict queries to
current experiment
dataset_member: bool
Enable get_all_from_dataset. Includes --dataset option to restrict queries to
specified dataset
list_columns: List[str]
List of column names
headers: List[str]
List of column header names, use list_columns if None
deletable: bool
If true, enable --delete
dry_runable: bool
If true, enable --dry-run
has_owner: bool
If true, enable --owner
creatable: bool
If true, object can be created via derived class 'create' function
custom_actions: List of str
Custom action names which are called via:
`<name>(self, args, outout=sys.stdout)`
custom_selection_actions: List of str
Custom action names which are called via:
`<name>(self, objects, args, outout=sys.stdout)`
request_confirmation_actions: Dict of name:msg
Dictionary of names of custom_selection_actions which require prompting the user
for confirmation before executing. The value is the message shown at the prompt.
Delete is always confirmed and is not included here.
if list_columns is None:
list_columns = []
self.cmdname = cmdname
self.typename = typename
self.typename_plural = typename_plural
self.requires_project = requires_project
self.non_proj_member = non_proj_member
self.proj_member = proj_member
self.expt_member = expt_member
self.dataset_member = dataset_member
self.remote_help = remote_help
self.list_columns = list_columns
if headers is None:
headers = list_columns
self.headers = headers
self.deletable = deletable
self.has_owner = has_owner
self.creatable = creatable
self.dry_runable = dry_runable
self.custom_actions = custom_actions
self.custom_selection_actions = custom_selection_actions
self.request_confirmation_actions = request_confirmation_actions
self.desc = desc
if self.desc is None:
if self.creatable:
self.desc = 'List and create ' + self.typename_plural
self.desc = 'List ' + self.typename_plural.lower()
[docs] def make_parser(self):
"""Make argparse.ArgumentParser"""
expr_help = 'select ' + self.typename_plural + ' that match the given regex (default matches name)'
id_help = 'match id instead of name'
owner_help = 'match owner instead of name'
details_help = 'print detailed information'
regxsearch_help = 'use regular expression search instead of match'
sort_by_help = 'columns to sort by'
json_help = 'print JSON data'
all_help = 'list ' + self.typename_plural + ' from all projects'
expt_help = 'restrict to ' + self.typename_plural + ' in the current experiment'
dataset_help = 'restrict to ' + self.typename_plural + ' in the specified (by id) dataset'
output_help = 'output to file'
force_help = 'force overwrite of existing output file'
create_help = 'create a ' + self.typename
delete_help = 'delete a ' + self.typename + ', specified by id'
dry_run_help = 'dry run deletion'
cmd = "mc "
for n in self.cmdname:
cmd += n + " "
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
parser.add_argument('expr', nargs='*', default=None, help=expr_help)
parser.add_argument('--id', action="store_true", default=False, help=id_help)
if self.has_owner:
parser.add_argument('--owner', action="store_true", default=False, help=owner_help)
parser.add_argument('-d', '--details', action="store_true", default=False, help=details_help)
parser.add_argument('--regxsearch', action="store_true", default=False, help=regxsearch_help)
parser.add_argument('--sort-by', nargs='*', default=['name'], help=sort_by_help)
parser.add_argument('--json', action="store_true", default=False, help=json_help)
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', nargs=1, default=None, help=output_help)
parser.add_argument('-f', '--force', action="store_true", default=False, help=force_help)
if self.non_proj_member:
clifuncs.add_remote_option(parser, self.remote_help)
if self.non_proj_member and self.proj_member:
parser.add_argument('--all', action="store_true", default=False, help=all_help)
if self.expt_member:
parser.add_argument('--expt', action="store_true", default=False, help=expt_help)
if self.dataset_member:
parser.add_argument('--dataset', nargs=1, default=None, metavar='DATASET_ID', help=dataset_help)
if self.creatable:
parser.add_argument('--create', action="store_true", default=False, help=create_help)
if self.deletable:
parser.add_argument('--delete', action="store_true", default=False, help=delete_help)
if self.dry_runable:
parser.add_argument('-n', '--dry-run', action="store_true", default=False, help=dry_run_help)
if hasattr(self, 'add_create_options'):
if hasattr(self, 'add_custom_options'):
return parser
[docs] def parse_args(self, argv):
Parse CLI arguments, returning result of argparse.ArgumentParser.parse_args(argv)
parser = self.make_parser()
# ignore 'mc proc'
args = parser.parse_args(argv)
if not self.dry_runable:
args.dry_run = False
return args
[docs] def __call__(self, argv, working_dir):
Execute Materials Commons CLI command.
mc proc [--all] [--expt] [--dataset] [--details | --json] [--id] [<name> ...]
args = self.parse_args(argv)
self.working_dir = working_dir
output = None
if args.output:
output = args.output[0]
# check for --create and other custom actions
for name in ['create'] + self.custom_actions:
if hasattr(args, name) and getattr(args, name):
with output_method(output, args.force) as out:
# interfaces 'mc casm monte --create ...'
getattr(self, name)(args, out=out)
# otherwise, perform a 'selection' action
with output_method(output, args.force) as out:
objects = self.get_all_objects(args, out)
if not len(objects):
# if --delete
if self.deletable and args.delete:
if not args.force:
self.output(objects, args, out)
if args.dry_run:
out.write("** Dry run **\n")
msg = "Are you sure you want to permanently delete these? ('Yes'/'No'): "
input_str = input(msg)
if input_str != 'Yes':
self.delete(objects, args, dry_run=args.dry_run, out=out)
if args.dry_run:
out.write("** Dry run **\n")
self.output(objects, args, out)
out.write("Permanently deleting with --force...\n")
self.delete(objects, args, dry_run=args.dry_run, out=out)
# default action is to output a list of objects
name = 'output'
# check for if a custom selection actions has been requested, via --<name>
for _name in self.custom_selection_actions:
if hasattr(args, _name) and getattr(args, _name):
name = _name
# check if user confirmation is required
if name in self.request_confirmation_actions and not args.force:
self.output(objects, args, out)
if clifuncs.request_confirmation(self.request_confirmation_actions[name]):
getattr(self, name)(objects, args, out)
getattr(self, name)(objects, args, out)
[docs] def get_remote(self, args):
default_client = None
if clifuncs.project_exists(self.working_dir):
default_client = clifuncs.make_local_project_client(self.working_dir)
return clifuncs.optional_remote(args, default_client=default_client)
[docs] def get_all_objects(self, args, out=sys.stdout):
if self.requires_project and not clifuncs.project_exists(self.working_dir):
out.write("Not in a Materials Commons project directory.\n")
raise MCCLIException("Invalid Materials Commons request")
if hasattr(args, 'expt') and args.expt:
proj = clifuncs.make_local_project(self.working_dir)
expt = clifuncs.make_local_expt(proj)
data = self.get_all_from_experiment(expt)
if not len(data):
out.write("No " + self.typename_plural + " found in experiment\n")
return []
elif (self.non_proj_member and not self.proj_member) \
or (self.non_proj_member and self.proj_member and hasattr(args, 'all') and args.all) \
or (self.non_proj_member and self.proj_member and not clifuncs.project_exists(self.working_dir)):
remote = self.get_remote(args)
data = self.get_all_from_remote(remote=remote)
if not len(data):
out.write("No " + self.typename_plural + " found at " + remote.base_url + "\n")
return []
proj = clifuncs.make_local_project(self.working_dir)
data = self.get_all_from_project(proj)
if not len(data):
out.write("No " + self.typename_plural + " found in project\n")
return []
def _any_match(obj, attrname, remethod):
if attrname == 'owner':
value =
value = str(clifuncs.getit(obj, attrname))
for n in args.expr:
if remethod(n, value):
return True
return False
attrname = None
if args.expr:
if args.regxsearch:
remethod =
remethod = re.match
attrname = 'id'
elif self.has_owner and args.owner:
attrname = 'owner'
attrname = 'name'
objects = [d for d in data if _any_match(d, attrname, remethod)]
objects = data
if not len(objects):
out.write("No " + self.typename_plural + " found matching specified criteria:\n")
out.write(" Method: re." + remethod.__name__)
out.write(" Expression(s): " + str(args.expr))
out.write(" Checking attribute: '" + attrname + "'\n")
return objects
[docs] def output(self, objects, args, out=sys.stdout):
if not len(objects):
out.write("No " + self.typename_plural + " found matching specified criteria\n")
if args.details:
if not hasattr(self, 'print_details'):
out.write("--details not currently possible for this type of object\n")
for obj in objects:
self.print_details(obj, args, out=out)
elif args.json:
for obj in objects:
if hasattr(obj, '_data'):
out.write(json.dumps(obj._data, indent=2))
elif isinstance(obj, dict):
out.write(json.dumps(obj, indent=2))
out.write("--json not currently possible for this type of object\n")
data = []
for obj in objects:
data.append(self.list_data(obj, args))
for col in reversed(args.sort_by):
data = sorted(data, key=lambda k: k[col])
columns = self.list_columns
headers = self.headers
clifuncs.print_table(data, columns=columns, headers=headers, out=out)