Source code for materials_commons.cli.print_formatter

def _trunc(s, size=40):
    _s = str(s)
    if len(_s) > size:
        _s = _s[:size-3] + '...'
    return _s

def _trunc_name(obj, size=40):
    _name =
    if len(_name) > size:
        _name = _name[:size-3] + '...'
    return _name

def _trunc_desc(obj, size=100):
    _desc = obj.description
    if len(_desc) > size:
        _desc = _desc[:size-3] + '...'
    return _desc

[docs]def trunc(s, size=40): return _trunc(s, size)
[docs]class PrintFormatter(object): """Print dict-like records, nicely tabulate works nicely when you have all the records ahead of time, PrintFormatter lets you print without having all the records ahead of time. Arguments: fmt: List of tuples Specify how to format records via: (key, header, alignment, size, function) key: str, key being described header: str, header string alignment: str, string.format alignment option size: int, column size function: function, function that acts on record[key], or None if key is not in record, to determine what is printed. """ def __init__(self, fmt, sep=" ", end="\n", truncate=True): self.fmt = fmt self.sep = sep self.end = end self.truncate = truncate self.fmtstr = "" for fmt_tuple in fmt: key = fmt_tuple[0] alignment = fmt_tuple[2] size = fmt_tuple[3] if self.truncate: self.fmtstr += "{" + key + ":" + alignment + str(size) + "}" + self.sep else: self.fmtstr += "{" + key + "}" + self.sep self.header_line = self.fmtstr.format(**{fmt_tuple[0]:fmt_tuple[1] for fmt_tuple in fmt}) if self.truncate: self.header_sep = "" for fmt_tuple in fmt: size = fmt_tuple[3] self.header_sep += "-"*fmt_tuple[3] + self.sep def _if_key_in_record(key, record): return (key in record) def _get_key_from_record(key, record): return record[key] self.if_key_in_record = _if_key_in_record self.get_key_from_record = _get_key_from_record self.value_if_key_not_in_record = "-"
[docs] def print_header(self): print(self.header_line, end=self.end) if self.truncate: print(self.header_sep, end=self.end)
def _record_to_data(self, record): data = {} for fmt_tuple in self.fmt: key = fmt_tuple[0] size = fmt_tuple[3] f = fmt_tuple[4] value = None if self.if_key_in_record(key, record): value = self.get_key_from_record(key, record) if value is None and self.truncate: value = self.value_if_key_not_in_record else: if self.truncate: value = trunc(f(value), size) else: value = f(value) data[key] = value return data
[docs] def print(self, record): print(self.fmtstr.format(**self._record_to_data(record)), end=self.end)
[docs] def print_detail(self, title_key, record): data = self._record_to_data(record) print(str(data[title_key]) + ":") for fmt_tuple in self.fmt: key = fmt_tuple[0] print(key + ": '" + str(data[key]) + "'") print()