Source code for materials_commons.cli.subcommands.dataset

import json
import sys
import yaml

import materials_commons.api as mcapi
import materials_commons.cli.functions as clifuncs
import materials_commons.cli.tmp_functions as tmpfuncs
from materials_commons.cli.list_objects import ListObjects
from materials_commons.cli.exceptions import MCCLIException

[docs]def make_parser(): """Make argparse.ArgumentParser for `mc dataset`""" return DatasetSubcommand().make_parser()
def _if_attr(obj, attrname, f): value = getattr(obj, attrname, None) if value is None: return None else: return f(value) def _print_dataset_data(dataset, project_id=None): """Order dataset data for printing""" data = [ {"name":}, {"authors": getattr(dataset, 'authors', None)}, {"summary": getattr(dataset, 'summary', None)}, {"license": getattr(dataset, 'license', None)}, {"":}, {"":}, {"":}, {"description": getattr(dataset, 'description', None)}, {"tags": getattr(dataset, 'tags', None)}, {"id":}, {"uuid": dataset.uuid}, {"doi": getattr(dataset, 'doi', None)} ] # via --all (is published) if project_id is None: data += [ {"published_at": _if_attr(dataset, 'published_at', clifuncs.format_time)}, {"zipfile_size": _if_attr(dataset, 'zipfile_size', clifuncs.humanize)}, {"files_count": dataset.files_count}, {"activities_count": dataset.activities_count}, {"entities_count": dataset.entities_count}, {"workflows_count": dataset.workflows_count}, {"comments_count": dataset.comments_count}, {"goto": "" + str( + "/overview"}, {"goto_globus": "" + str( + "/globus"} ] elif dataset.published_at is not None: # via project, is published data += [ {"published_at": _if_attr(dataset, 'published_at', clifuncs.format_time)}, {"zipfile_size": _if_attr(dataset, 'zipfile_size', clifuncs.humanize)}, {"files_count": dataset.files_count}, {"activities_count": dataset.activities_count}, {"entities_count": dataset.entities_count}, {"workflows_count": dataset.workflows_count}, {"experiments_count": dataset.experiments_count}, {"comments_count": dataset.comments_count}, {"goto": "" + str( + "/overview"}, {"goto_globus": "" + str( + "/globus"} ] elif dataset.published_at is None: # via project, is not published data += [ {"workflows_count": dataset.workflows_count}, {"experiments_count": dataset.experiments_count} ] return data
[docs]class DatasetSubcommand(ListObjects): desc = """List, create, publish, and download datasets. By default lists project datasets. With `--all` lists all public datasets.""" def __init__(self): super(DatasetSubcommand, self).__init__( ["dataset"], "Dataset", "Datasets", desc=self.desc, requires_project=False, non_proj_member=True, proj_member=True, expt_member=False, remote_help='Remote to get datasets from', list_columns=['name', 'owner', 'id', 'updated_at', 'zipfile_size', 'published_at'], deletable=True, creatable=True, custom_selection_actions=['down', 'unpublish', 'publish', 'clone_as', 'goto', 'goto_globus'], request_confirmation_actions={ 'publish': 'Are you sure you want to publicly publish these datasets?', 'unpublish': 'Are you sure you want to unpublish these datasets?', 'clone_as': 'Are you sure you want to clone this dataset?', 'goto': 'You want to goto these datasets in a web browser?', 'goto_globus': 'You want to goto the globus manager for these datasets in a web browser?' } )
[docs] def get_all_from_project(self, proj): # # basic call, # TODO: return owner email in dataset data # return proj.remote.get_all_datasets( datasets = proj.remote.get_all_datasets( tmpfuncs.add_owner(proj.remote, datasets) return datasets
[docs] def get_all_from_remote(self, remote): datasets = remote.get_all_published_datasets() tmpfuncs.add_owner(remote, datasets) return datasets
[docs] def list_data(self, obj, args): zipfile_size = '-' if obj.zipfile_size: zipfile_size = clifuncs.humanize(obj.zipfile_size) published_at = '-' if obj.published_at: published_at = clifuncs.format_time(obj.published_at) return { 'name': clifuncs.trunc(clifuncs.getit(obj, 'name', '-'), 40), 'owner': clifuncs.trunc(, 40), 'id': clifuncs.trunc(clifuncs.getit(obj, 'id', '-'), 40), 'updated_at': clifuncs.format_time(clifuncs.getit(obj, 'updated_at', '-')), 'zipfile_size': zipfile_size, 'published_at': published_at }
[docs] def print_details(self, obj, args, out=sys.stdout): # TODO: fix this out.write("** WARNING: `mc dataset --details` is under development, some dataset attributes (for example: tags) may appear as 'null' even if they do exist. **\n") if args.all: client = self.get_remote(args) if args.file_selection: out.write("** NOTE: --file-selection: Not available for public datasets **\n") print_published_dataset_details(client, obj, out=out) else: proj = clifuncs.make_local_project(self.working_dir) print_dataset_details(proj.remote,, obj, \ file_selection=args.file_selection, out=out)
[docs] def add_custom_options(self, parser): # note: add samples via `mc samp`, processes via `mc proc`, files via `mc ls` # for --create and --clone-as, set new dataset description parser.add_argument('--desc', type=str, default="", help='Dataset description, for use with --create or --clone-as.') # for --details, also print dataset file selection parser.add_argument('--file-selection',action="store_true", default=False, help='For use with -d,--details: also print dataset file selection.') # # for --details, also print dataset files list # parser.add_argument('--files', action="store_true", default=False, help='For use with -d,--details: also print dataset files list.') # --clone-as parser.add_argument('--clone-as', type=str, default="", help='Clone the selected dataset, creating a new dataset, with this name, with the selected dataset\'s file selection, samples, and processes.') # --down parser.add_argument('--down', action="store_true", default=False, help='Download dataset zipfile') # --publish, --unpublish parser.add_argument('--unpublish', action="store_true", default=False, help='Unpublish a dataset') parser.add_argument('--publish', action="store_true", default=False, help='Publish a public dataset. Makes it available for public download.') # --goto: go to datasets in web browser parser.add_argument('--goto', action="store_true", default=False, help='Open selected datasets in a web browser.') # --goto-globus: go to datasets globus manager in web browser parser.add_argument('--goto-globus', action="store_true", default=False, help='Open globus manager for selected datasets in a web browser.')
[docs] def down(self, objects, args, out=sys.stdout): """Download dataset zipfile, --down .. note:: The downloaded dataset is named dataset.<dataset_uuid>.zip """ proj = clifuncs.make_local_project(self.working_dir) for obj in objects: self.print_details(obj, args, out=out) out.write("Downloading...\n") dataset_id = to = "dataset." + obj.uuid + ".zip" proj.remote.download_published_dataset_zipfile(dataset_id, to) out.write("DONE\n\n") return
[docs] def create(self, args, out=sys.stdout): """Create new dataset Using: mc dataset --create [--desc <dataset description>] <dataset_name> """ proj = clifuncs.make_local_project(self.working_dir) in_names = [] if args.expr: in_names += args.expr if len(in_names) != 1: out.write('Creating a dataset requires one name argument\n') out.write('example: mc dataset --create --desc "dataset description" <dataset_name>\n') return resulting_objects = [] for name in in_names: dataset_request = mcapi.CreateDatasetRequest() dataset_request.description = args.desc dataset = proj.remote.create_dataset(, name, dataset_request) tmpfuncs.add_owner(proj.remote, dataset) resulting_objects.append(dataset) self.output(resulting_objects, args, out=out) return
[docs] def delete(self, objects, args, dry_run, out=sys.stdout): """Delete datasets Using: mc dataset --id <dataset_id> --proj --delete mc dataset <dataset_name_search> --proj --delete """ if dry_run: out.write('Dry-run is not yet possible when deleting datasets.\n') out.write('Exiting\n') return if args.all: out.write('--delete and --all may not be used together: Delete datasets via a project.\n') out.write('Exiting\n') return proj = clifuncs.make_local_project(self.working_dir) for obj in objects: if obj.published_at is not None: out.write('Published dataset (id={0}) may not be deleted. Skipping.\n'.format( continue proj.remote.delete_dataset(, return
[docs] def unpublish(self, objects, args, out=sys.stdout): """Unpublish dataset Using: mc dataset --id <dataset_id> --proj --unpublish mc dataset <dataset_name_search> --proj --unpublish """ if args.all: out.write('--unpublish and --all may not be used together: Unpublish datasets via a project.\n') out.write('Exiting\n') return proj = clifuncs.make_local_project(self.working_dir) resulting_objects = [] for obj in objects: if obj.published_at is None: out.write('Dataset (id={0}) is not published. Skipping.\n'.format( continue resulting_objects.append(proj.remote.unpublish_dataset(, tmpfuncs.add_owner(proj.remote, resulting_objects) self.output(resulting_objects, args, out=out) return
[docs] def publish(self, objects, args, out=sys.stdout): """Publish public dataset Using: mc dataset --id <dataset_id> --proj --publish mc dataset <dataset_name_search> --proj --publish """ if args.all: out.write('--publish and --all may not be used together: Publish datasets via a project.\n') out.write('Exiting\n') return proj = clifuncs.make_local_project(self.working_dir) resulting_objects = [] for obj in objects: if obj.published_at is not None: out.write('Dataset (id={0}) is already published. Skipping.\n'.format( continue resulting_objects.append(proj.remote.publish_dataset(, tmpfuncs.add_owner(proj.remote, resulting_objects) self.output(resulting_objects, args, out=out) return
[docs] def clone_as(self, objects, args, out=sys.stdout): """Create a new dataset with the selected dataset's file selection, samples, and processes""" if len(objects) != 1: print('--clone-as requires that 1 and only 1 project dataset be selected.\n') out.write('Exiting\n') return if args.all: print('--clone-as and --all may not be used together: Clone datasets via a project.\n') out.write('Exiting\n') return proj = clifuncs.make_local_project(self.working_dir) # get original dataset with as much data as possible dataset = proj.remote.get_dataset(, objects[0].id) # copy original metadata # TODO update this dataset_request = mcapi.CreateDatasetRequest() dataset_request.description = getattr(dataset, 'description', None) dataset_request.summary = getattr(dataset, 'summary', None) dataset_request.license = getattr(dataset, 'license', None) dataset_request.authors = getattr(dataset, 'authors', None) # self.experiments = experiments # TODO # self.communities = communities # TODO # dataset_request.tags = getattr(dataset, 'tags', None) # TODO # update metadata dataset_name = args.clone_as if args.desc: dataset_request.description = args.desc new_dataset = proj.remote.create_dataset(, dataset_name, dataset_request) out.write('Created dataset: {0}\n'.format( # clone file selection out.write('Cloning file selection...\n') proj.remote.change_dataset_file_selection(,, dataset.file_selection) # clone samples, processes, workflow out.write('** WARNING: Cloning samples, processes, workflows not yet implemented **\n') # Complete out.write('Cloned dataset: (name={0}, id={1}) -> (name={2}, id={3})\n'.format(,,, return
[docs] def goto(self, objects, args, out=sys.stdout): """Open selected datasets in a web browser""" proj = None if not args.all: proj = clifuncs.make_local_project(self.working_dir) for obj in objects: url = "" if args.all: url = url + "/public/datasets/" + str( + "/overview" else: url = url + "/app/projects/" + str( + "/datasets/" + str( + "/overview" try: import webbrowser except: out.write("Could not open a web browser.") out.write("URL:", url) return
[docs] def goto_globus(self, objects, args, out=sys.stdout): """Open globus manager for selected datasets in a web browser""" if not args.all: print('--goto-globus only works for published datasets (--all option is required).\n') out.write('Exiting\n') return for obj in objects: url = "" + str( + "/globus" try: import webbrowser except: out.write("Could not open a web browser.") out.write("URL:", url) return