import argparse
import copy
import os
import sys
import time
import materials_commons.api as mcapi
import materials_commons.cli.functions as clifuncs
import materials_commons.cli.tree_functions as treefuncs
import materials_commons.cli.file_functions as filefuncs
from materials_commons.cli.treedb import LocalTree, RemoteTree
# Want to print() something like:
# warning! file0 is a local file and remote dir!
# warning! file1 is a local directory and remote file!
# remote_owner local_mtime local_size remote_mtime remote_size file0
# - local_mtime local_size - - file1
# remote_owner - - remote_mtime remote_size file2
# dir1:
# remote_owner local_mtime local_size remote_mtime remote_size file0
# - local_mtime local_size - - file1
# remote_owner - - remote_mtime remote_size file2
# dir2:
# remote_owner local_mtime local_size remote_mtime remote_size file0
# - local_mtime local_size - - file1
# remote_owner - - remote_mtime remote_size file2
def _format_path_data(proj, data, columns, refpath=None, checksum=False):
"""Format list of dict for 'mc ls'.
proj: mcapi.Project
Project instance with proj.local_path indicating local project location
data: dict
Output from `materials_commons.cli.tree_functions.ls_data`
columns: list of str
Columns to collect. Expects ['l_mtime', 'l_size', 'l_type', 'r_mtime', 'r_size', 'r_type', 'eq' (optionally), 'name', 'id', 'selected' (optionally)]
refpath: str or None
Local absolute path that names are printed relative to. If None, uses os.getcwd().
checksum: bool (optional, default=False)
If True, include 'eq' in the output data.
path_data: list of dict, Sorted by name and containing
'l_mtime', 'l_size', 'l_type', 'r_mtime', 'r_size', 'r_type', 'eq' (optionally), 'name', 'id'
path_data = []
# import json
# for record in data:
# print(json.dumps(record, indent=2))
# print("-------------------")
record_init = {k: '-' for k in columns}
if refpath is None:
refpath = os.getcwd()
def _get_name(mcpath):
from os.path import abspath, dirname, join, relpath
local_abspath = filefuncs.make_local_abspath(proj.local_path, mcpath)
return relpath(local_abspath, refpath)
for path in sorted(data.keys()):
record = copy.deepcopy(record_init)
rec = data[path]
if not rec['l_type'] and not rec['r_type']:
if rec['l_mtime'] is not None:
record['l_mtime'] = clifuncs.format_time(rec['l_mtime'])
if rec['l_size'] is not None:
record['l_size'] = clifuncs.humanize(rec['l_size'])
if rec['l_type'] is not None:
record['l_type'] = rec['l_type']
if rec['r_mtime'] is not None:
record['r_mtime'] = clifuncs.format_time(rec['r_mtime'])
if rec['r_size'] is not None:
record['r_size'] = clifuncs.humanize(rec['r_size'])
if rec['r_type'] is not None:
record['r_type'] = rec['r_type']
if 'eq' in rec and rec['eq'] is not None:
record['eq'] = rec['eq']
record['name'] = _get_name(path)
if 'id' in rec and rec['id'] is not None:
record['id'] = rec['id']
if 'selected' in rec and rec['selected'] is not None:
record['selected'] = rec['selected']
if 'selected_by' in rec and rec['selected_by'] is not None:
record['selected_by'] = rec['selected_by']
return sorted(path_data, key=lambda k: k['name'])
def _ls_print(proj, data, refpath=None, printjson=False, checksum=False, checkdset=False):
"""Print treecompare output for a set of files, or directory children"""
if checksum:
columns = ['l_mtime', 'l_size', 'l_type', 'r_mtime', 'r_size', 'r_type', 'eq', 'name', 'id']
headers = ['l_updated_at', 'l_size', 'l_type', 'r_updated_at', 'r_size', 'r_type', 'eq', 'name', 'id']
columns = ['l_mtime', 'l_size', 'l_type', 'r_mtime', 'r_size', 'r_type', 'name', 'id']
headers = ['l_updated_at', 'l_size', 'l_type', 'r_updated_at', 'r_size', 'r_type', 'name', 'id']
if checkdset:
columns += ['selected', 'selected_by']
headers += ['selected', 'selected_by']
if printjson:
for path, record in data.items():
if record['r_obj']:
path_data = _format_path_data(proj, data, columns, refpath=refpath, checksum=checksum)
if len(path_data):
if refpath:
print(os.path.relpath(refpath, os.getcwd()) + ":")
clifuncs.print_table(path_data, columns=columns, headers=headers)
if refpath:
print(os.path.relpath(refpath, os.getcwd()) + ": no contents")
[docs]def make_parser():
"""Make argparse.ArgumentParser for `mc ls`"""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='List local & remote directory contents',
prog='mc ls')
parser.add_argument('paths', nargs='*', default=[os.getcwd()], help='Files or directories')
parser.add_argument('--checksum', action="store_true", default=False, help='Calculate MD5 checksum for local files')
parser.add_argument('--json', action="store_true", default=False, help='Print JSON exactly')
# TODO: re-implement w/datasets
# # --include file_or_dir
# # --exclude file_or_dir
# # --clear file_or_dir
parser.add_argument('--dataset', type=str, default="", metavar='DATASET_ID', help='Specify a dataset to act on.')
parser.add_argument('--include', action="store_true", default=False, help='Include files and directories in the specified dataset. Including a directory includes all files and sub-directories recursively, unless prevented by --exclude.')
parser.add_argument('--exclude', action="store_true", default=False, help='Exclude file and directories from the specified dataset. Excluding prevents inclusion of files and directories that would otherwise be included due to a higher-level directory being included.')
parser.add_argument('--clear', action="store_true", default=False, help='Clear files and directories from the include/exclude selection lists of the specified dataset. A file or directory may still be included in or excluded from the dataset afterwards if a higher level directory is included or excluded')
return parser
[docs]def change_dataset_file_selection(proj, dataset_id, mcpaths, files_data,
dirs_data, include=False, exclude=False,
clear=False, out=sys.stdout):
"""Update the file selection dict
proj (mcapi.Project): Current project
dataset_id (str): ID of dataset to be updated
mcpaths (list of str): Materials Commons format file and directory paths
files_data: File comparisons from the `treecompare` function
dirs_data: Directory comparisons from the `treecompare` function
include (bool): If True, include files and directories in "mcpaths" to the file selection
exclude (bool): If True, exclude files and directories in "mcpaths" to the file selection
clear (bool): If True, remove files and directories in "mcpaths" from the file selection so they are not included or excluded
out: Output stream
The file selection dict, updated.
file_selection = proj.remote.get_dataset(, dataset_id).file_selection
for p in mcpaths:
local_abspath = filefuncs.make_local_abspath(proj.local_path, p)
printpath = os.path.relpath(local_abspath)
if treefuncs.is_type_mismatch(p, files_data, dirs_data) and not clear:
out.write(printpath + ": Local and remote types do not match, skipping\n")
if include:
if p in files_data:
if p in file_selection['exclude_files']:
if p in dirs_data:
if p in file_selection['exclude_dirs']:
elif exclude:
if p in files_data:
if p in file_selection['include_files']:
elif p in dirs_data:
if p in file_selection['include_dirs']:
elif clear:
for name in ['include_files', 'exclude_files', 'include_dirs', 'exclude_dirs']:
if p in file_selection[name]:
# remove duplicates
for name in ['include_files', 'exclude_files', 'include_dirs', 'exclude_dirs']:
file_selection[name] = list(set(file_selection[name]))
return proj.remote.change_dataset_file_selection(, dataset_id, file_selection).file_selection
[docs]def ls_subcommand(argv, working_dir):
'ls' a project directory to see local and remote files and directories.
mc ls [<pathspec> ...]
parser = make_parser()
args = parser.parse_args(argv)
updatetime = time.time()
proj = clifuncs.make_local_project(working_dir)
pconfig = clifuncs.read_project_config(proj.local_path)
# convert cli input to materials commons path convention: /path/to/file_or_dir
mcpaths = treefuncs.clipaths_to_mcpaths(proj.local_path, args.paths,
if args.checksum:
localtree = LocalTree(proj.local_path)
localtree = None
if args.json:
remotetree = None
remotetree = RemoteTree(proj, pconfig.remote_updatetime)
# compare local and remote tree
files_data, dirs_data, child_data, not_existing = treefuncs.treecompare(
proj, mcpaths, checksum=args.checksum,
localtree=localtree, remotetree=remotetree)
for p in mcpaths:
if treefuncs.is_type_mismatch(p, files_data, dirs_data):
print("** WARNING: ", p, "local and remote types do not match! **")
for dirpath in child_data:
for childpath, record in child_data[dirpath].items():
if treefuncs.is_child_data_mismatch(record):
print("** WARNING: ", childpath, "local and remote types do not match! **")
if pconfig.remote_updatetime:
print("** Fetch lock ON at:", clifuncs.format_time(pconfig.remote_updatetime), "**")
if not_existing:
for path in not_existing:
local_abspath = filefuncs.make_local_abspath(proj.local_path, path)
print(os.path.relpath(local_abspath) + ": No such file or directory")
if args.dataset:
if args.include or args.exclude or args.clear:
file_selection = change_dataset_file_selection(proj, args.dataset, mcpaths, files_data, dirs_data, include=args.include, exclude=args.exclude, clear=args.clear, out=sys.stdout)
file_selection = proj.remote.get_dataset(, args.dataset).file_selection
for f in files_data:
selected, selected_by = filefuncs.check_file_selection(f, file_selection)
files_data[f]['selected'] = selected
if selected_by:
files_data[f]['selected_by'] = selected_by
for key, child_files_data in child_data.items():
for f in child_files_data:
selected, selected_by = filefuncs.check_file_selection(f, file_selection)
child_files_data[f]['selected'] = selected
if selected_by:
child_files_data[f]['selected_by'] = selected_by
# print files
_ls_print(proj, files_data, refpath=None, printjson=args.json, checksum=args.checksum, checkdset=args.dataset)
# print directory children
for d in child_data:
local_dirpath = filefuncs.make_local_abspath(proj.local_path, d)
_ls_print(proj, child_data[d], refpath=local_dirpath, printjson=args.json, checksum=args.checksum, checkdset=args.dataset)