Source code for materials_commons.cli.subcommands.remote

import argparse
import getpass
import re
import requests
import sys

import materials_commons.api as mcapi
from materials_commons.cli.functions import print_remotes
from materials_commons.cli.user_config import Config, RemoteConfig

    # print("") TODO: update with lift

[docs]def make_parser(): """Make argparse.ArgumentParser for `mc remote`""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Server settings', prog='mc remote') parser.add_argument('-l', '--list', action="store_true", default=False, help='List known remote urls.') parser.add_argument('--show-apikey', action="store_true", default=False, help='Show apikey.') parser.add_argument('--add', nargs=2, metavar=('EMAIL', 'URL'), help='Add a new remote.') parser.add_argument('--remove', nargs=2, metavar=('EMAIL', 'URL'), help='Remove a remote from the list.') parser.add_argument('--set-default', nargs=2, metavar=('EMAIL', 'URL'), help='Set default remote to be used when not in a project.') return parser
[docs]def remote_subcommand(argv, working_dir): """ Show / modify list of known Materials Commons accounts. Actions: mc remote # list known remotes mc remote --add <email> <url> # add a remote mc remote --remove <email> <url> # remove a remote mc remote --set-default <email> <url> # set the default remote mc remote --set-project <email> <url> # change the remote used for the current project """ parser = make_parser() args = parser.parse_args(argv) if args.list: print_known_remotes() elif args.add: email = args.add[0] url = args.add[1] config = Config() remote_config = RemoteConfig(mcurl=url, email=email) if remote_config in config.remotes: print(email + " at " + url + " already known") return 0 while True: try: password = getpass.getpass(prompt='password: ') remote_config.mcapikey = mcapi.Client.get_apikey(email, password, url) break except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e: print(str(e)) if not'Bad Request for url', str(e)): raise e else: print("Wrong password for " + email + " at " + url) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: print("Could not connect to " + url) return 1 config.remotes.append(remote_config) print("Added " + email + " at " + url) elif args.remove: email = args.remove[0] url = args.remove[1] config = Config() remote_config = RemoteConfig(mcurl=url, email=email) if remote_config not in config.remotes: print("Failed: " + email + " at " + url + " not found.") print_remotes(config.remotes) return 1 config.remotes.remove(remote_config) print("Removed " + email + " at " + url) elif args.set_default: email = args.set_default[0] url = args.set_default[1] config = Config() remote_config = RemoteConfig(mcurl=url, email=email) if remote_config in config.remotes: config.default_remote = config.remotes[config.remotes.index(remote_config)] else: print("Failed: " + email + " at " + url + " not found.") print_remotes(config.remotes) return 1 print("Set default: " + email + " at " + url) else: config = Config() print_remotes(config.remotes, args.show_apikey) if not len(config.remotes): print() print("List known remote urls with:") print(" mc remote -l") print("Add a remote with:") print(" mc remote --add EMAIL URL") return 1 return