Source code for materials_commons.cli.tree_functions

import copy
import json
import os
import requests
import shutil
from sortedcontainers import SortedSet
import time

import materials_commons.api as mcapi
import materials_commons.cli.exceptions as cliexcept
import materials_commons.cli.functions as clifuncs
import materials_commons.cli.file_functions as filefuncs

[docs]def clipaths_to_local_abspaths(proj_local_path, clipaths, working_dir): """Convert CLI paths input to local absolute paths Args: proj_local_path (str): Path to Materials Commons project clipaths (List of str): Indicates files and directories, either absolute paths or relative to current working directory working_dir (str): Directory cli_paths are relative to. Returns: List local absolute paths to upload, excluding the `.mc` directory. Raises: MCCLIException, if any path in clipaths is not within the local project directory. """ if not os.path.isabs(working_dir): raise cliexcept.MCCLIException("Error in clipaths_to_mcpaths: working_dir is not absolute") local_abspaths = [] for p in clipaths: if not os.path.isabs(p): p = os.path.join(working_dir, p) local_abspaths.append(p) return local_abspaths
[docs]def clipaths_to_mcpaths(proj_local_path, clipaths, working_dir): """Convert CLI paths input to Materials Commons standardized paths Args: proj_local_path (str): Path to Materials Commons project clipaths (List of str): Indicates files and directories, either absolute paths or relative to current working directory working_dir (str): Directory cli_paths are relative to. Returns: List Materials Commons paths (does not include project top directory, starts with "/") to upload, excluding the `.mc` directory. Raises: MCCLIException, if any path in clipaths is not within the local project directory. """ if not os.path.isabs(working_dir): raise cliexcept.MCCLIException("Error in clipaths_to_mcpaths: working_dir is not absolute") mcpaths = [] for p in clipaths: if not os.path.isabs(p): p = os.path.join(working_dir, p) mcpath = filefuncs.make_mcpath(proj_local_path, p) mcpaths.append(mcpath) return mcpaths
[docs]def make_local_abspaths_for_upload(proj_local_path, paths): """Clean paths for uploads This is written for identifying uploads. If the top directory is included it replaces it with all children except `.mc`. Args: proj_local_path (str): Path to project paths (iterable of str): Local absolute paths to filter Returns: List of str: Materials Commons paths, filtered as described above. """ _paths = [] for path in paths: if os.path.normpath(path) == os.path.normpath(proj_local_path): for child in os.listdir(proj_local_path): if child == ".mc": continue _paths.append(os.path.join(os.path.normpath(proj_local_path), child)) else: _paths.append(path) return _paths
[docs]def make_mcpaths_for_upload(proj_local_path, paths): """Clean paths for uploads This is written for identifying uploads. If the top directory is included it replaces it with all children except `.mc`. Args: proj_local_path (str): Path to project paths (iterable of str): Paths to filter and convert to absolute paths Returns: List of str: Materials Commons paths, filtered as described above. """ _paths = [] for path in paths: if path == "/": for child in os.listdir(proj_local_path): if child == ".mc": continue _paths.append(os.path.join("/", child)) else: _paths.append(path) return _paths
[docs]def standard_upload(proj, paths, working_dir, recursive=False, limit=50, no_compare=False, upload_as=None, localtree=None, remotetree=None): """Upload files to Materials Commons Args: proj (:class:`materials_commons.api.Project`): Project instance with proj.local_path indicating local project location paths (List of str): List of paths to upload. Expects local absolute paths, or paths relative to working_dir. working_dir (str): Current working directory, used for finding relative paths and printing messages. recursive (bool): If True, remove directories recursively. Otherwise, will not remove directories. limit (int): The limit in MB on the size of the file allowed to be uploaded. no_compare (bool): By default, this function checks local and remote file checksum to avoid downloading files that already exist. If no_compare is True, this check is skipped and all specified files are downloaded, even if an equivalent file already exists locally. upload_as (str): Materials Commons style path specifying where to upload. Requires `len(paths) == 1`. localtree (LocalTree): A LocalTree object stores local file checksums to avoid unnecessary hashing. Optional, will be used and updated if provided and checksum == True. remotetree (RemoteTree): A RemoteTree object stores remote file and directory information to minimize API calls and data transfer. Optional, will be used and updated if provided. Returns: (file_results, error_results): file_results: dict of path: file Successfully uploaded files error_results: dict of path: str Error messages for unsuccessful file uploads """ file_results = {} error_results = {} # check for non-existing paths, paths already uploaded, etc. paths_to_upload = [] if upload_as is not None: # upload_as only if 1 input path if len(paths) != 1: msg = "Upload error: to 'upload as', expected len(paths) == 1" raise cliexcept.MCCLIException(msg) local_abspaths = clipaths_to_local_abspaths(proj.local_path, paths, working_dir) local_abspaths = make_local_abspaths_for_upload(proj.local_path, local_abspaths) local_abspath = local_abspaths[0] if not os.path.exists(local_abspath): printpath = os.path.relpath(local_abspath, start=working_dir) print(printpath + ": does not exist") else: paths_to_upload.append(local_abspath) else: # get info to compare local and remote files checksum = True if no_compare: checksum = False mcpaths = clipaths_to_mcpaths(proj.local_path, paths, working_dir) mcpaths = make_mcpaths_for_upload(proj.local_path, mcpaths) files_data, dirs_data, child_data, non_existing = treecompare( proj, mcpaths, checksum=checksum, localtree=localtree, remotetree=remotetree) # check for files that are already uploaded or do not exist for mcpath in mcpaths: local_abspath = filefuncs.make_local_abspath(proj.local_path, mcpath) printpath = os.path.relpath(local_abspath, start=working_dir) if os.path.isfile(local_abspath): l_checksum = files_data[mcpath]['l_checksum'] r_checksum = files_data[mcpath]['r_checksum'] if l_checksum and l_checksum == r_checksum: print(printpath + ": local is equivalent to remote (skipping)") file_results[local_abspath] = files_data[mcpath]['r_obj'] continue elif not os.path.exists(local_abspath): print(printpath + ": does not exist") continue paths_to_upload.append(local_abspath) # do uploads for local_abspath in paths_to_upload: printpath = os.path.relpath(local_abspath, start=working_dir) # Materials Commons style path, where to upload dest_path = None if upload_as is None: dest_path = filefuncs.make_mcpath(proj.local_path, local_abspath) else: dest_path = upload_as printdestpath = os.path.relpath( filefuncs.make_local_abspath(proj.local_path, dest_path), start=working_dir) # note: remote files are versioned, so we skip overwrite checking / force option # create missing remote parent directories parent_path = os.path.dirname(dest_path) parent = mkdir(proj, parent_path, remote_only=True, create_intermediates=True, remotetree=remotetree) if parent.path != parent_path: msg = "Upload error: " msg += " expected parent_path=" + os.path.dirname(parent_path) msg += " got parent_path=" + parent.path raise cliexcept.MCCLIException(msg) try: if os.path.isfile(local_abspath): if not parent: error_msg = printpath + ": parent=" + parent_path + " is not a directory on remote (not uploaded)" error_results[local_abspath] = error_msg print(error_msg) continue file_size_mb = os.path.getsize(local_abspath) >> 20 if file_size_mb > limit: error_msg = printpath + ": file too large (size={1}MB, limit={0}MB) (not uploaded)".format(limit, file_size_mb) error_results[local_abspath] = error_msg print(error_msg) continue result = proj.remote.upload_file(,, local_abspath) if not filefuncs.isfile(result): error_msg = printpath + ": unknown error (not uploaded)" error_results[local_abspath] = error_msg print(error_msg) continue else: if upload_as is None: print("uploaded:", printpath) else: print("uploaded:", printpath, "as", printdestpath) file_results[local_abspath] = result elif os.path.isdir(local_abspath): if recursive: proj.remote.create_directory(, os.path.basename(dest_path), if upload_as is None: child_paths = [os.path.join(local_abspath, name) for name in os.listdir(local_abspath)] file_results_tmp, error_results_tmp = \ standard_upload(proj, child_paths, working_dir, recursive=recursive, limit=limit, remotetree=remotetree) for tpath in file_results_tmp: file_results[tpath] = file_results_tmp[tpath] for tpath in error_results_tmp: error_results[tpath] = error_results_tmp[tpath] else: for name in os.listdir(local_abspath): child_path = os.path.join(local_abspath, name) child_upload_as = os.path.join(upload_as, name) file_results_tmp, error_results_tmp = \ standard_upload(proj, [child_path], working_dir, recursive=recursive, limit=limit, upload_as=child_upload_as, remotetree=remotetree) for tpath in file_results_tmp: file_results[tpath] = file_results_tmp[tpath] for tpath in error_results_tmp: error_results[tpath] = error_results_tmp[tpath] else: error_msg = printpath + ": is a directory (not uploaded)" error_results[local_abspath] = error_msg print(error_msg) continue else: # should not happen msg = "Upload error: path does not exist" msg += " path=" + local_abspath raise cliexcept.MCCLIException(msg) if remotetree: remotetree.connect() remotetree.update(parent_path, force=True) remotetree.close() except Exception as e: error_msg = printpath + ": " + str(e) + " (not uploaded)" error_results[local_abspath] = error_msg print(error_msg) continue return (file_results, error_results)
class _TreeCompare(object): """Helper for the treecompare function. It was slightly easier to write as a class so that variables could be stored as class attributes and assumed present in each subroutine. Arguments --------- proj: mcapi.Project Project instance with proj.local_path indicating local project location localtree: LocalTree object (optional, default=None) A LocalTree object stores local file checksums to avoid unnecessary hashing. Will be used and updated if provided and checksum == True in the call operator. remotetree: RemoteTree object (optional, default=None) A RemoteTree object stores remote file and directory information to minimize API calls and data transfer. Will be used and updated if provided. """ def __init__(self, proj, localtree=None, remotetree=None): self.proj = proj self.localtree = localtree self.remotetree = remotetree columns = ['l_mtime', 'l_size', 'l_type', 'l_checksum', 'r_mtime', 'r_size', 'r_type', 'r_checksum', 'r_obj', 'path', 'id', 'parent_id'] self.record_init = {k: None for k in columns} def _update_local_via_tree(self, path): # update self.localtree for path (and if it is a directory, update the children) self.localtree.connect() self.localtree.update(path, get_children=True) self._update_data_from_tree(path, self.localtree, 'l') self.localtree.close() def _update_local_record(self, record, local_abspath, checksum=False): record['l_mtime'] = clifuncs.epoch_time(os.path.getmtime(local_abspath)) record['l_size'] = os.path.getsize(local_abspath) if os.path.isfile(local_abspath): record['l_type'] = 'file' if checksum: record['l_checksum'] = clifuncs.checksum(local_abspath) elif os.path.isdir(local_abspath): record['l_type'] = 'directory' def _update_local(self, path, checksum=False): """Get local file or directory (and children) information""" local_abspath = filefuncs.make_local_abspath(self.proj.local_path, path) if not os.path.exists(local_abspath): return if os.path.isfile(local_abspath): if path not in self.files_data: self.files_data[path] = copy.deepcopy(self.record_init) self._update_local_record(self.files_data[path], local_abspath, checksum=checksum) elif os.path.isdir(local_abspath): if path not in self.dirs_data: self.dirs_data[path] = copy.deepcopy(self.record_init) self._update_local_record(self.dirs_data[path], local_abspath, checksum=checksum) # children if path not in self.child_data: self.child_data[path] = {} for child in os.listdir(local_abspath): childpath = os.path.join(path, child) local_childpath = os.path.join(local_abspath, child) if childpath not in self.child_data[path]: self.child_data[path][childpath] = copy.deepcopy(self.record_init) self._update_local_record(self.child_data[path][childpath], local_childpath, checksum=checksum) else: raise cliexcept.MCCLIException("TreeCompare error: os.path type error for '" + local_abspath + "'") return def _update_remote_via_tree(self, path): # update self.remotetree for path (and if it is a directory, update the children) self.remotetree.connect() self.remotetree.update(path, get_children=True) self._update_data_from_tree(path, self.remotetree, 'r') self.remotetree.close() def _update_remote_record(self, record, obj): record['id'] = record['parent_id'] = obj.directory_id record['r_size'] = obj.size record['r_mtime'] = clifuncs.epoch_time(obj.updated_at) record['r_obj'] = obj if filefuncs.isfile(obj): record['r_type'] = 'file' record['r_checksum'] = obj.checksum elif filefuncs.isdir(obj): record['r_type'] = 'directory' return def _update_remote(self, path): """Get remote file or directory (and children) information""" obj = filefuncs.get_by_path_if_exists(self.proj.remote,, path) if obj is not None: if filefuncs.isfile(obj): if path not in self.files_data: self.files_data[path] = copy.deepcopy(self.record_init) self._update_remote_record(self.files_data[path], obj) elif filefuncs.isdir(obj): if path not in self.dirs_data: self.dirs_data[path] = copy.deepcopy(self.record_init) self._update_remote_record(self.dirs_data[path], obj) # children if path not in self.child_data: self.child_data[path] = {} for child in self.proj.remote.list_directory(, childpath = os.path.join(path, if childpath not in self.child_data[path]: self.child_data[path][childpath] = copy.deepcopy(self.record_init) self._update_remote_record(self.child_data[path][childpath], child) else: raise cliexcept.MCCLIException("TreeCompare error: get_by_path type error for '" + path + "'") return def _update_record_from_tree(self, record, file_or_dir, prefix): record[prefix + '_mtime'] = file_or_dir['mtime'] record[prefix + '_size'] = file_or_dir['size'] record[prefix + '_type'] = file_or_dir['otype'] record[prefix + '_checksum'] = file_or_dir['checksum'] if 'id' in file_or_dir.keys(): record['id'] = file_or_dir['id'] if 'parent_id' in file_or_dir.keys(): record['parent_id'] = file_or_dir['parent_id'] def _update_data_from_tree(self, path, tree, prefix): """Common data conversion from tree to output data""" res = tree.select_by_path(path) if len(res) > 1: raise cliexcept.MCCLIException("_update_data_from_tree error: found > 1 entry for '" + path + "'") if not res: return file_or_dir = res[0] if file_or_dir['otype'] == 'file': if path not in self.files_data: self.files_data[path] = copy.deepcopy(self.record_init) self._update_record_from_tree(self.files_data[path], file_or_dir, prefix) elif file_or_dir['otype'] == 'directory': if path not in self.dirs_data: self.dirs_data[path] = copy.deepcopy(self.record_init) self._update_record_from_tree(self.dirs_data[path], file_or_dir, prefix) # children if path not in self.child_data: self.child_data[path] = {} results = tree.select_by_parent_path(path) for file_or_dir in results: childpath = file_or_dir['path'] if childpath not in self.child_data[path]: self.child_data[path][childpath] = copy.deepcopy(self.record_init) self._update_record_from_tree(self.child_data[path][childpath], file_or_dir, prefix) elif file_or_dir['otype'] == None: # this supports adding records for files that we checked for but do not exist pass else: raise cliexcept.MCCLIException("Localtree error: otype error for '" + path + "'") return def __call__(self, paths, checksum=False): """Compare local and remote tree differences for paths paths: List of str List of Materials Commons style paths (absolute path, not including project name directory) to query. checksum: bool (optional, default=False) If True, calculate MD5 checksum of local files and compare to remote. If localtree was provided to the constructor, the checksums will be saved in the localtree database. Returns ------- (files_data, dirs_data, child_data, not_existing): files_data: dict of filepath: file or directory comparison Contains file comparisons dirs_data: dict of dirpath: file or directory comparison Contains directory comparisons child_data: dict of dirpath: childpath: file or directory comparison Contains directory children comparisons not_existing: list of str Paths that do not exist locally or remotely For each file or directory the comparison data is: 'l_mtime': float, local file modify time (seconds since epoch) 'l_size': int, local file size in bytes 'l_type': str, local file type ('file' or 'directory') 'l_checksum': str, local file md5 hash 'r_mtime': float, remote file modify time (seconds since epoch) 'r_size': int, remote file size in bytes 'r_type': remote file type ('file' or 'directory') 'r_checksum': str, remote file md5 hash 'r_obj': File or Directory, remote object 'eq': bool, whether the local and remote files are equivalent 'path': str, path to file or directory (including the project top) 'id': str, Materials Commons ID, if exists 'parent_id': str, Materials Commons ID, if exists Values are None if the file does not exist in the relevant tree. Notes ----- The equivalence check ('eq' in `data`) is only done for files. For directories, it is always None. When directories are updated in localtree and remotetree their children are also updated (not recursively). Remote objects, 'r_obj', are only returned if remotetree is None. """ self.files_data = {} self.dirs_data = {} self.child_data = {} for path in paths: if self.localtree and checksum: self._update_local_via_tree(path) else: self._update_local(path, checksum=checksum) if self.remotetree: self._update_remote_via_tree(path) else: self._update_remote(path) if checksum: for key, value in self.files_data.items(): if value['l_checksum'] and value['r_checksum']: value['eq'] = (value['l_checksum'] == value['r_checksum']) for dir, cdata in self.child_data.items(): for key, value in cdata.items(): if value['l_checksum'] and value['r_checksum']: value['eq'] = (value['l_checksum'] == value['r_checksum']) not_existing = [] for path in paths: if path not in self.files_data and path not in self.dirs_data: not_existing.append(path) return (self.files_data, self.dirs_data, self.child_data, not_existing)
[docs]def treecompare(proj, paths, checksum=False, localtree=None, remotetree=None): """ Compare files and directories on the local and remote trees. Arguments --------- proj: mcapi.Project Project instance with proj.local_path indicating local project location paths: List of str List of Materials Commons style paths (absolute path, not including project name directory) to query. checksum: bool (optional, default=False) If True, calculate MD5 checksum of local files and compared to remote. If False, 'eq' will not be included in the output data. localtree: LocalTree object (optional, default=None) A LocalTree object stores local file checksums to avoid unnecessary hashing. Will be used and updated if provided and checksum == True. remotetree: RemoteTree object (optional, default=None) A RemoteTree object stores remote file and directory information to minimize API calls and data transfer. Will be used and updated if provided. Returns ------- (files_data, dirs_data, child_data, not_existing): files_data: dict of filepath: file or directory comparison Contains file comparisons dirs_data: dict of dirpath: file or directory comparison Contains directory comparisons child_data: dict of dirpath: childpath: file or directory comparison Contains directory children comparisons not_existing: list of str Paths that do not exist locally or remotely For each file or directory the comparison data is: 'l_mtime': float, local file modify time (seconds since epoch) 'l_size': int, local file size in bytes 'l_type': str, local file type ('file' or 'directory') 'l_checksum': str, local file md5 hash 'r_mtime': float, remote file modify time (seconds since epoch) 'r_size': int, remote file size in bytes 'r_type': remote file type ('file' or 'directory') 'r_checksum': str, remote file md5 hash 'r_obj': File or Directory, remote object 'eq': bool, whether the local and remote files are equivalent 'path': str, path to file or directory (including the project top) 'id': str, Materials Commons ID, if exists 'parent_id': str, Materials Commons ID, if exists Values are None if the file does not exist in the relevant tree. Notes ----- The equivalence check ('eq' in `data`) is only done for files. For directories, it is always None. When directories are updated in localtree and remotetree their children are also updated (not recursively). Remote objects, 'r_obj', are only returned if remotetree is None. """ _treecomparer = _TreeCompare(proj, localtree=localtree, remotetree=remotetree) return _treecomparer(paths, checksum=checksum)
[docs]def get_types(path, files_data, dirs_data): """Use treecompare output to get local and remote types Args: path (str): Path to check for type files_data: The "files_data" output from :func:`treecompare` dirs_data: The "dirs_data" output from :func:`treecompare` Returns: Tuple with (local_type, remote_type) of path. """ l_type = None if path in files_data and files_data[path]['l_type']: l_type = files_data[path]['l_type'] if path in dirs_data and dirs_data[path]['l_type']: l_type = dirs_data[path]['l_type'] r_type = None if path in files_data and files_data[path]['r_type']: r_type = files_data[path]['r_type'] if path in dirs_data and dirs_data[path]['r_type']: r_type = dirs_data[path]['r_type'] return (l_type, r_type)
[docs]def is_type_mismatch(path, files_data, dirs_data): """Check treecompare filds_data and dirs_data output to check for type mismatch""" l_type, r_type = get_types(path, files_data, dirs_data) if l_type and r_type and l_type != r_type: return True return False
[docs]def is_child_data_mismatch(child_data): """Check treecompare child_data file comparison for type mismatch""" if child_data['l_type'] and child_data['r_type'] and child_data['l_type'] != child_data['r_type']: return True return False
class _Mover(object): """Helper for the move function""" def __init__(self, proj, remote_only=False, localtree=None, remotetree=None): self.proj = proj self.remote_only = remote_only self.localtree = localtree self.remotetree = remotetree def _move_remote_file(self, path, to_directory_path, to_directory_id, name=None): file_id = self.files_data[path]['id'] if os.path.dirname(path) != to_directory_path: self.proj.remote.move_file(, file_id, to_directory_id) if name: self.proj.remote.rename_file(, file_id, name) def _move_remote_directory(self, path, to_directory_path, to_directory_id, name=None): directory_id = self.dirs_data[path]['id'] if os.path.dirname(path) != to_directory_path: self.proj.remote.move_directory(, directory_id, to_directory_id) if name: self.proj.remote.rename_directory(, directory_id, name) def _move_remote(self, path, to_directory_path, to_directory_id, name=None): """ Move file or directory on remote Arguments --------- path: str, Source file or directory to_directory_path: str, Destination directory name: str or None, If name is not None, rename file or directory after moving """ if path in self.files_data: self._move_remote_file(path, to_directory_path, to_directory_id, name=name) else: self._move_remote_directory(path, to_directory_path, to_directory_id, name=name) def _move_local(self, path, to_directory_path, name=None): if name is None: name = os.path.basename(path) src = filefuncs.make_local_abspath(self.proj.local_path, path) dest = filefuncs.make_local_abspath(self.proj.local_path, os.path.join(to_directory_path, name)) shutil.move(src, dest) def _validate_destination(self, paths): dest_path = paths[-1] dest_local_abspath = filefuncs.make_local_abspath(self.proj.local_path, dest_path) dest_printpath = os.path.relpath(dest_local_abspath) # get type of remote destination self.dest_remote_type = None if dest_path in self.files_data: self.dest_remote_type = self.files_data[dest_path]['r_type'] elif dest_path in self.dirs_data: self.dest_remote_type = self.dirs_data[dest_path]['r_type'] # get type of local destination self.dest_local_type = None if dest_path in self.files_data: self.dest_local_type = self.files_data[dest_path]['l_type'] elif dest_path in self.dirs_data: self.dest_local_type = self.dirs_data[dest_path]['l_type'] valid_usage = True # check remote dest type if self.dest_remote_type == 'file': print(dest_printpath + ": is an existing file on remote (will not overwrite)") valid_usage = False elif self.dest_remote_type is None: # dest is non-existant on remote if len(paths) != 2: print(dest_printpath + ": does not exist on remote (may not rename multiple src)") valid_usage = False elif self.dest_remote_type != 'directory': raise cliexcept.MCCLIException("Error in mv: dest_path='" + dest_path + "', dest_remote_type='" + str(dest_remote_type) + "'") # check local dest type if not self.remote_only: if self.dest_local_type == 'file': print(dest_printpath + ": is an existing file locally (will not overwrite)") valid_usage = False elif self.dest_local_type is None: # dest is non-existant on remote if len(paths) != 2: print(dest_printpath + ": does not exist locally (may not rename multiple src)") valid_usage = False elif self.dest_local_type != 'directory': raise cliexcept.MCCLIException("Error in mv: dest_path='" + dest_path + "', dest_remote_type='" + str(dest_local_type) + "'") if self.dest_remote_type != self.dest_local_type: print(dest_printpath + ": local and remote types do not match") valid_usage = False return valid_usage def _validate_source(self, path, to_directory_path, name=None): if name is None: name = os.path.basename(path) local_abspath = filefuncs.make_local_abspath(self.proj.local_path, path) printpath = os.path.relpath(local_abspath) dest_path = os.path.join(to_directory_path, name) dest_local_abspath = filefuncs.make_local_abspath(self.proj.local_path, dest_path) dest_printpath = os.path.relpath(dest_local_abspath) # check source exists if path in self.not_existing: print(printpath + ": no such file or directory") return False # check source exists remotely if path in self.files_data and not self.files_data[path]['r_type']: print(printpath + ": does not exist on remote") return False if path in self.dirs_data and not self.dirs_data[path]['r_type']: print(printpath + ": does not exist on remote") return False # if not remote_only, check that local and remote types match if not self.remote_only: if is_type_mismatch(path, self.files_data, self.dirs_data): print(printpath + ": local and remote types do not match") return False return True def __call__(self, paths): dest_path = paths[-1] if not paths or len(paths) < 2: print("Expects 2 or more paths: `mc mv <src> <target>` or `mc mv <src> ... <directory>`") return self.files_data, self.dirs_data, self.child_data, self.not_existing = treecompare( self.proj, paths, localtree=self.localtree, remotetree=self.remotetree) if not self._validate_destination(paths): return if self.dest_remote_type == 'directory': to_directory_path = dest_path to_directory_id = self.dirs_data[dest_path]['id'] name = None else: to_directory_path = os.path.dirname(dest_path) local_to_directory_abspath = filefuncs.make_local_abspath(self.proj.local_path, to_directory_path) local_to_directory_printpath = os.path.relpath(local_to_directory_abspath) # if destination name is different, must move then rename to `name` name = None if os.path.basename(paths[0]) != os.path.basename(dest_path): name = os.path.basename(dest_path) to_directory = filefuncs.get_by_path_if_exists(self.proj.remote,, to_directory_path) if not filefuncs.isdir(to_directory): print(to_directory_path + ": not a directory on remote") return if not self.remote_only and not os.path.isdir(local_to_directory_abspath): print(local_to_directory_printpath + ": not a directory locally") return to_directory_id = # move, and rename if necessary for p in paths[0:-1]: if not self._validate_source(p, to_directory_path, name=name): continue self._move_remote(p, to_directory_path, to_directory_id, name=name) if self.remotetree: self.remotetree.connect() self.remotetree.update(p, force=True) self.remotetree.update(to_directory_path, force=True) self.remotetree.close() if not self.remote_only: self._move_local(p, to_directory_path, name=name) if self.localtree: self.localtree.connect() self.localtree.update(p) self.localtree.update(to_directory_path) self.localtree.close()
[docs]def move(proj, paths, remote_only=False, localtree=None, remotetree=None): """Move files and directories Arguments --------- proj: mcapi.Project Project instance with proj.local_path indicating local project location paths: List of str List of Materials Commons style paths (absolute path, not including project name directory) to move. remote_only: bool (optional, default=False) If True, only move files and directories on remote. If False, move on local and remote. localtree: LocalTree object (optional, default=None) A LocalTree object stores local file checksums to avoid unnecessary hashing. Will be used and updated if provided and checksum == True. remotetree: RemoteTree object (optional, default=None) A RemoteTree object stores remote file and directory information to minimize API calls and data transfer. Will be used and updated if provided. """ _mover = _Mover(proj, remote_only=remote_only, localtree=localtree, remotetree=remotetree) _mover(paths)
class _Remover(object): """Helper for the remove function""" def __init__(self, proj, recursive=False, no_compare=False, remote_only=False, localtree=None, remotetree=None): self.proj = proj self.recursive = recursive self.no_compare = no_compare self.remote_only = remote_only self.dry_run = False # needs work to support this self.localtree = localtree self.remotetree = remotetree def _update_remote(self, path): if not self.remotetree: return # sets updatetime temporarily, does not save self.remotetree.connect() self.remotetree.update(path, force=True) self.remotetree.close() def _update_local(self, path): if not self.localtree: return self.localtree.connect() self.localtree.update(path) self.localtree.close() def _remove_remote_file(self, path, record): if self.dry_run: print("(dry run) rm remote:", path) return True else: print("rm remote:", path) try: self.proj.remote.delete_file(, record['id']) return True except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e: try: print(e.response.json()['error']) except: print(e) print(" FAILED, for unknown reason") return False def _remove_local_file(self, path): local_abspath = filefuncs.make_local_abspath(self.proj.local_path, path) if self.dry_run: print("(dry run) rm local:", local_abspath) else: print("rm local:", local_abspath) os.remove(local_abspath) def _remove_file(self, path, record, updatetree=False): """Remove a file - Will remove local and remote as specified by constructor options. - Will update local and remote tree after deletion if updatree==True """ parent_path = os.path.dirname(path) if not record['r_type']: print(path + ": does not exist on remote") return elif not record['l_type']: self._remove_remote_file(path, record) if updatetree: self._update_remote(parent_path) return elif self.remote_only: self._remove_remote_file(path, record) if updatetree: self._update_remote(parent_path) return elif self.no_compare: res = self._remove_remote_file(path, record) if res: self._remove_local_file(path) if updatetree: self._update_remote(parent_path) self._update_local(parent_path) return elif not record['eq']: print(path + ": local and remote are not equal") return else: res = self._remove_remote_file(path, record) if res: self._remove_local_file(path) if updatetree: self._update_remote(parent_path) self._update_local(parent_path) return def _remove_remote_directory(self, path, record): if self.dry_run: print("(dry run) rm remote:", path) return True else: print("rm remote:", path) try: print("rm remote directory:", path) self.proj.remote.delete_directory(, record['id']) return True except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e: try: print(e) print(json.dumps(e.response.json(), indent=2)) except: print(" FAILED, for unknown reason") return False def _remove_local_directory(self, path): local_abspath = filefuncs.make_local_abspath(self.proj.local_path, path) if not os.path.exists(local_abspath): return if self.dry_run: print("(dry run) rm local:", local_abspath) else: print("rm local:", local_abspath) os.rmdir(local_abspath) def _remove_directory(self, path, record, updatetree=False): """Remove a directory - Before calling, all children ought to be deleted, but this will double check - Will remove local and remote as specified by constructor options. - Will always update local and remote tree once before deletion to check for children, and if updatetree==True will update again after deletion """ if self.remote_only: self._remove_remote_directory(path, record) if updatetree: self._update_remote(path) return local_abspath = filefuncs.make_local_abspath(self.proj.local_path, path) if self.localtree: self._update_local(path) self.localtree.connect() local_children = self.localtree.select_by_parent_path(path) self.localtree.close() else: local_children = os.listdir(local_abspath) if len(local_children): print(local_abspath + ": could not remove all local children (skipping)") return res = self._remove_remote_directory(path, record) if res: self._remove_local_directory(path) if updatetree: self._update_remote(path) self._update_local(path) def __call__(self, path): checksum=True if self.no_compare: checksum=False # if remotetree provided, set updatetime to now if self.remotetree: orig_remote_updatetime = self.remotetree.updatetime self.remotetree.updatetime = time.time() files_data, dirs_data, child_data, not_existing = treecompare( self.proj, [path], checksum=checksum, localtree=self.localtree, remotetree=self.remotetree) # reset remotree updatetime if self.remotetree: self.remotetree.updatetime = orig_remote_updatetime # act on treecompare results # if path does not exist, do nothing if not_existing: for path in not_existing: local_abspath = filefuncs.make_local_abspath(self.proj.local_path, path) print(os.path.relpath(local_abspath) + ": No such file or directory") # if path is a file, attempt to remove it elif path in files_data: self._remove_file(path, files_data[path], updatetree=True) # if path is a directory, attempt to remove children and then it elif path in dirs_data: if not self.recursive: print(path + ": is a directory") return if not dirs_data[path]['r_type']: print(path + ": does not exist on remote") return for childpath, record in child_data[path].items(): if record['r_type'] == 'file': self._remove_file(childpath, record) elif record['r_type'] == 'directory': self.__call__(childpath) else: # local child without matching remote print(childpath + ": does not exist on remote") self._remove_directory(path, dirs_data[path]) self._update_remote(path) self._update_local(path) else: raise cliexcept.MCCLIException("Error in rm_file: unknown error")
[docs]def remove(proj, paths, recursive=False, no_compare=False, remote_only=False, localtree=None, remotetree=None): """Remove files and directories Arguments --------- proj: mcapi.Project Project instance with proj.local_path indicating local project location paths: List of str List of Materials Commons style paths (absolute path, not including project name directory) to remove. recursive: bool (optional, default=False) If True, remove directories recursively. Otherwise, will not remove directories. no_compare: bool (optional, default=False) If True, remove files and directories without checking for equality between local and remote. remote_only: bool (optional, default=False) If True, only remove files and directories on remote. If False, remove on local and remote. localtree: LocalTree object (optional, default=None) A LocalTree object stores local file checksums to avoid unnecessary hashing. Will be used and updated if provided and checksum == True. remotetree: RemoteTree object (optional, default=None) A RemoteTree object stores remote file and directory information to minimize API calls and data transfer. Will be used and updated if provided. """ _remover = _Remover(proj, recursive=recursive, no_compare=no_compare, remote_only=remote_only, localtree=localtree, remotetree=remotetree) for p in paths: _remover(p)
[docs]def mkdir(proj, path, remote_only=False, create_intermediates=False, remotetree=None): """Make directories Arguments --------- proj: mcapi.Project Project instance with proj.local_path indicating local project location path: str Materials Commons style path (absolute path, not including project name directory) of directory to make. create_intermediates: bool (optional, default=False) If True, make intermediate directories as necessary when they do not exist. remote_only: bool (optional, default=False) If True, only make directories on remote. If False, make on local and remote. remotetree: RemoteTree object (optional, default=None) A RemoteTree object stores remote file and directory information to minimize API calls and data transfer. Will be used and updated if provided. Returns ------- result: mcapi.File or None mcapi.File object representing the created directory, if successful. Raises ------ Raises MCCLIException if unsuccessful with one of following messages: - path + ": is a local file": If attempting to create "/A/B/C" and any of "/A", "/A/B", or "/A/B/C" is an existing file locally and remote_only==False. - path + ": is a remote file": If attempting to create "/A/B/C" and any of "/A", "/A/B", or "/A/B/C" is an existing file on Materials Commons. - parent_path + ": parent directory does not exist": If attempting to create "/A/B/C" and the parent directory, "/A/B" does not exist on Materials Commons and create_intermediates==False. """ local_abspath = filefuncs.make_local_abspath(proj.local_path, path) if not remote_only: if os.path.isfile(local_abspath): raise cliexcept.MCCLIException(path + ": is a local file") result = filefuncs.get_by_path_if_exists(proj.remote,, path) if filefuncs.isdir(result): if not remote_only: clifuncs.mkdir_if(local_abspath) return result elif filefuncs.isfile(result): raise cliexcept.MCCLIException(path + ": is a remote file") elif result is None: parent_path = os.path.dirname(path) if create_intermediates: parent = mkdir(proj, parent_path, remote_only=remote_only, create_intermediates=create_intermediates, remotetree=remotetree) result = proj.remote.create_directory(, os.path.basename(path), if remotetree: remotetree.connect() remotetree.update(parent_path, force=True) remotetree.close() if not remote_only: clifuncs.mkdir_if(local_abspath) return result else: parent = filefuncs.get_by_path_if_exists(proj.remote,, parent_path) if filefuncs.isfile(parent): raise cliexcept.MCCLIException(parent_path + ": is a remote file") if parent is None: raise cliexcept.MCCLIException(parent_path + ": parent directory does not exist") result = proj.remote.create_directory(, os.path.basename(path), if not remote_only: clifuncs.mkdir_if(local_abspath) return result